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chawni Posts: 2

salam 3alaykom

This message was posted from a N70
Posted: 2009-07-07 19:34:36
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500

walaikum as salam warah matullah wabarakatubhu

how is every1 doing here

ramadhan is at the corner once again .. so excited ... abt the sahoor, taraweeh, iftar ... specially to get one more chance inshAllah to have all my sins forgiven ... inshAllah.. ameen sum ameen

Posted: 2009-07-10 23:38:26
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adnansanni Posts: > 500

Salam to all,
@naveedaziz83: could you tell me the exact date when Ramadan begins?
Posted: 2009-07-10 23:55:25
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

Salaams all

Question and Answer session with with Dr Zakir Naik and Dr Bilal Philips

Posted: 2009-07-11 17:31:04
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naveedaziz83 Posts: > 500

asalam o alaikum warah matullah wabarakatuhu

how is every doing ...

@adnansani.. how can i tell u the exact date of ramadhan rite now .. it depends on the hilal rite .. and there is still some time for the hilal of ramadan to appear... but inshAllah i will post the date here when its near.. so stay tune ... jazakAllah o khair

wasalam o alaikum warah matullah
Posted: 2009-07-14 00:08:40
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

Free Islamic literature (Dr Zakir Naik etc)

Help yourselves
Posted: 2009-07-14 09:45:17
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PeterKay Posts: > 500


A Muslim is required to maintain a good relationship with his relatives. In Islamic terms, 'Silah-Rahimi' is used to denote 'good treatment towards the relatives'.

In the Qur'an Allah tells us:

"Give your relatives their due…" (17:26)

"Allah commands justice, kindness and giving to near relatives…." (16:90)

"…And show kindness to your parents and to near relatives…" (4:36)

The sayings of Allah’s Messenger Muhammad [Peace be upon him] are replete with virtues of joining the ties of relations and helping relatives We are encouraged to visit our relatives, inquire about their circumstance, spend on them, give them sadaqa (voluntary charity) if they are poor,assist them in any reasonable way and the most important is to show love and affection to them.

In the Quraan, where the Muslims are enjoined to show kindness to parents, they are also required to treat other relatives with love and sympathy and to pay due regard to their rights as well.

The foremost claim on a person is that of his mother, then of his father, and then grade by grade, of the other relatives. Therefore through relationship, the relatives' rights come after that of the parents.

Allah has declared, "I am Allah, I am Ar-Rahman (The Merciful), I have created the bond of kinship and named it Rahim,-which I have derived from the root of my name of Rahman. Thus, whoever, shall join it (ie. Rahim), I shall join him, and whoever will break it, I shall break him."

The Almighty has designed the system of birth in such a way, that whoever is born, is tied to the bonds of kinship-and these bonds carry certain claims and rights. Thus, whoever fufills these claims, by being kind to his relatives and treating them well, Allah will "join him" i.e. He will make him His own and bestow His favour and mercy on him. And whosoever will violate these claims, Allah will "break him" i.e. He will have nothing to do with him.

Fulfilling the Rights of Relatives

It is related by Anas (R.A.) that the Allah’s Messenger Muhammad [Peace be upon him] said "Whoever wants an increase in his sustenance and that the marks of his feet remain for a long time in the world (i.e. to live long) - he should be kind and helpful to his relatives."

Family quarrels, which generally arise from the disregard of the relatives' rights, affect a persons health and causes friction in homes and in the community at large. Those who treat their relatives well and are helpful to them, are free from tensions and they are happier and more peaceful.

Violation of Relatives' Rights

The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has said "Whoever violates the rights of relatives, shall not go to Paradise."

It shows that the violation of the relatives' rights is so detested by Allah, that with its filthiness, no one can enter Paradise. It is only when a person (believer) has received his punishment or has been forgiven, that the gates of Paradise will be opened for him.

Showing Kindness to Those Who Severe Relations

Often,there are people who care little for the bonds of relationship and are rude and unjust in this respect. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has enjoined to continue to treat them well and fufil the obligations, irrespective of what they do and how they behave.

Abdullah ibn Umar(R.A.) relates from the Prophet (S.A.W.), "He does not fulfill the claim of Silah-Rahimi[one who keeps the ties of relations] who shows no kindness in return for the kindness shown to him. The person who really fulfills the claim is he who treats his relatives well even when they are mean and unjust to him.”

A man asked: O Messenger of Allaah[pbuh], I have relatives with whom I maintain ties of relations, yet they cut-off from me. I treat them kindly, yet they treat me in an evil manner. And I am forbearing and patient with them, yet they behave rudely and ignorantly towards me. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:
"If the situation is as you say, then it is as if you are filling their mouths with sand. And Allaah will continue to aid and support you as long as you continue doing what you are doing."

When the violation of the rights of relatives is returned in a similar manner, the evil will spread in the society -But if it is returned with kindness, it may lead to their correction and it will assist in the promotion of Silah-Rahimi, in the life of the community.

As we know, Islam enjoins us not only to be good to those who are good to us, but also to be good to those who are not good to us. This shows exemplary moral character according to the standard of Islam.

And the most important aspect of fulfilling the rights of relatives….It is a means to Allah’s happiness!!!!!!!!!!

Some practical Tips to Promote Family Relations:

Visit them often- don’t wait for “occasions” e.g. deaths, marriages etc
Invite them home
Always show love even if your relatives do not do the same.
Always make dua [pray] for them
Give them gifts- Spend on them according to your means.
Help them in need and sympathise with them on sad occasions
Share happy moments and occasions with them
Avoid backbiting- It’s the main cause of friction
Always talk positively about them and don’t look down upon them
Occasionally give them a call to enquire about their welfare
Don’t compete with them in material pursuits.
Always be a well-wisher of your Relatives
Plan ways to improve and strengthen relations.
Posted: 2009-07-15 10:52:28
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

Amazing verses from the Glorious Quran:

Surah 13. The Thunder

1. A.L.M.R. These are the signs (or verses) of the Book: that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord is the Truth; but most men believe not.

2. Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; is firmly established on the throne (of authority); He has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law)! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed. He doth regulate all affairs, explaining the signs in detail, that ye may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord.

3. And it is He who spread out the earth, and set thereon mountains standing firm and (flowing) rivers: and fruit of every kind He made in pairs, two and two: He draweth the night as a veil o'er the Day. Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who consider!

4. And in the earth are tracts (diverse though) neighbouring, and gardens of vines and fields sown with corn, and palm trees - growing out of single roots or otherwise: watered with the same water, yet some of them We make more excellent than others to eat. Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who understand!

5. If thou dost marvel (at their want of faith), strange is their saying: "When we are (actually) dust, shall we indeed then be in a creation renewed?" They are those who deny their Lord! They are those round whose necks will be yokes (of servitude): they will be Companions of the Fire, to dwell therein (for aye)!

6. They ask thee to hasten on the evil in preference to the good: Yet have come to pass, before them, (many) exemplary punishments! But verily thy Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind for their wrong-doing, and verily thy Lord is (also) strict in punishment.

7. And the Unbelievers say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" But thou art truly a warner, and to every people a guide.

8. Allah doth know what every female (womb) doth bear, by how much the wombs fall short (of their time or number) or do exceed. Every single thing is before His sight, in (due) proportion.

9. He knoweth the unseen and that which is open: He is the Great, the Most High.

Posted: 2009-07-20 15:36:13
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brayam Posts: 46

salam alicom ya islam.inchalah masira mowafa9a

This message was posted from a SGH-D830
Posted: 2009-07-20 16:59:17
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*nabil Posts: 48

salem alikum brother Naveed . how are you ? kulo tamam ?

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Posted: 2009-07-20 21:16:10
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