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Sony in its repertoire - in z2 found three factory defect. Issue moved to the end of the 2nd quarter. Save on all components
Posted: 2014-03-31 12:51:37
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500
I didn't understand? what is he saying?
Is it related to the delay of xperia z2?
or is it something about the build quality and the components of the Z2?
Posted: 2014-03-31 13:50:11
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Basically means Z2 has three manufacturing defects due to which it is delayed to end of Q2. It won't be widely available until June end globally.
[ This Message was edited by: randomuser on 2014-03-31 13:29 ]
Posted: 2014-03-31 14:29:01
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Surely thats going to affect sales massively? HTC and Samsung have a big advantage. With the Z3 out in September thats not good news for the Z2.
Posted: 2014-03-31 15:41:42
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Wow this can't be good, perhaps Z3 release will be limited as well? Certain markets will have it while the rest will wait? Would be ridiculous to release a z3 in sept/oct time frame once the Z2 only went on sale in june time frame.
Posted: 2014-03-31 16:38:49
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Well that would be f**ked up.
Posted: 2014-03-31 18:44:44
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Come on guys ! Are you seriously believing it ? It's Eldar Murtazin. . . who has a long history of being more wrong than right!
And with his general hatred towards Sony coupled with his habit of adding some Spice to the rumors, i don't think that guy is even worth believing !
Don't forget that Sony has already said that Z2 is having hiccups due to component shortage (which our long reliable sources here on esato have been saying from last 1 month or so).
Eldar has come up with his completely made up bullshit theory !
Posted: 2014-03-31 19:46:11
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On 2014-03-30 07:14:42, Gitaroo wrote:
it seems to me, Sony still can't sort out the the focus problem on top of that, their jpeg compression is still way too high, 20MP shots should be bigger than 7mb which is what Z1 and 2 is sitting around. If I remember correctly, ZOMG said 80% compression; thats way too high, you loose tons of detail from the compression.
I had auto focus issues on Xperia T & Z1
Posted: 2014-03-31 20:05:01
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500
On 2014-03-31 19:46:11, AbhiD999 wrote:
Come on guys ! Are you seriously believing it ? It's Eldar Murtazin. . . who has a long history of being more wrong than right!
And with his general hatred towards Sony coupled with his habit of adding some Spice to the rumors, i don't think that guy is even worth believing !
Don't forget that Sony has already said that Z2 is having hiccups due to component shortage (which our long reliable sources here on esato have been saying from last 1 month or so).
Eldar has come up with his completely made up bullshit theory !
I was thinking the same... I remember him being wrong or biased about a lot of info regarding Sony phones...
Also I was wondering which pieces could be on shortages? I mean, the Z2 tablet is already out and selling... it has the same Snapdragon 801, (presumably) the same 3 GB Ram
The Z1 is still selling and it has the same camera...
so which could be the missing pieces? batteries? speakers? displays?
Posted: 2014-03-31 20:48:04
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This is...Bad..really bad
Posted: 2014-03-31 21:25:41
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