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SUNNATS UPON AWAKENING (Sunnat means the actions of the Final Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him)
1. Immediately upon awakening rub the face and the eyes with both the palms in order to remove
the effects of sleep. ( Shamaaile Tirmidhi )
2. When the eyes open in the morning recite this dua:
Trans: All praise is due to Allah who brought us to life after having granted us death and to Him
will we be resurrected. (Bukhari, Abu Dawood, Muslim)
3. When awakening from sleep cleanse the mouth with a Miswaak. (Musnad Ahmad, Abu Dawood pg.8 )
4. The use of the Miswaak should be repeated when making Wudhu. Using the Miswaak upon
awakening is a separate Sunnat . (Bazlul Majhood,“Commentary of Abu Dawood” Vol.1 pg.35 )
5. When wearing one’s trousers, first put on the right leg, then the left one. When putting on a
kurta or shirt, first put on the right sleeve and then the left one. The same procedure should be
followed when wearing a vest. When wearing a shoe, first put on the right shoe. When removing
any garment or shoe, first remove the left, then the right.This is the sunnat method when
removing any garment from the body (Bukhari, Tirmidhi “ the chapter on clothing” and
Shamaaile Tirmidhi )
6. Before immersing the hands into any utensils, wash them thrice thoroughly. ( Tirmidhi Vol. 1,
pg. 13).
Posted: 2009-07-23 23:21:41
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1. To take a bath. (Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Ibne Majah)
2. To wear nice and clean clothes. (Abu Dawood, Chapter of Ghusal on the day of Jumuah)
3. To proceed early to the Mosque.(Tirmidhi, Ibne Majah)
4. To go to the Mosque on foot. (Ibne Majah)
5. To try to sit as close as possible to the Imaam. (Ibne Majah, Tirmidhi)
6. If the Saffs (rows) are already filled, one should jump over the shoulders of the musallies in order
to get to the front. (Abu Dawood)
7. One should not do any futile action eg. one should not fiddle with one’s clothes or fingers. (Ibne
8. To listen to the Khutba (sermon) attentively. (Tirmidhi,Ibne Majah)
9. The person who recites Surah Kahaf (chapter from the Holy Quran on Friday will be bestowed with a Noor (Spiritual light) from under the Arsh (The Throne of Allah Ta’ala) which will extend from the earth till the sky and will
benefit him in the darkness of the Day of Qiyaamah (judgement) . All his minor sins which he had committed
from the previous Jumuah up to this Jumuah will be forgiven. (Behishti Zewar)
10. Rasulullah ( Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him) is reported to have said, “Recite Durood (salutations) upon me in abundance on the day of Jumuah since they are presented to me.” (Ibne Majah)
11. On the day of Jumuah it is Sunnat to apply oil to the hair and to use itr or any other sweet
smelling fragrance. (Bukhari)
Posted: 2009-07-23 23:30:19
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Profet ho liv a long dur
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Posted: 2009-07-24 08:51:01
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Asalam alikom hi guys
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Posted: 2009-07-25 11:50:44
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Wa alykomo aslam
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Posted: 2009-07-25 14:25:44
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On 2009-07-14 00:08:40, naveedaziz83 wrote:
@adnansani.. how can i tell u the exact date of ramadhan rite now .. it depends on the hilal rite .. and there is still some time for the hilal of ramadan to appear... but inshAllah i will post the date here when its near.. so stay tune ...
Assalam o alaikum to all.
@naveedaziz83: Sorry brother I made confused because my English isn’t good at all. I wanted to know about approximately date. I know it does depend on the moon. In my country Shobe-borat on 6 august (as I remember) so may be Ramadan will start at 20/21 august.
Posted: 2009-07-25 21:22:18
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Waalykum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Ramadhan will also be around the same dates here in the UK @adnan
Counting down the days now, can't wait.
Posted: 2009-07-25 22:54:37
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A few videos to get us in the mood of the blessed upcoming month of Ramadhan
Ramadhan in Paris
Norwich - England
Posted: 2009-07-26 17:26:49
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Assalamo 3alaykom wa rahmato lah ta3ala wa barakatoh...19/08/2009.Is an day of ramadane in morocco
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Posted: 2009-07-26 17:42:02
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Salam 3alaykoum warhmatu alahi wabarakatuh
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Posted: 2009-07-27 11:08:16
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