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> where do u guys come from?
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born and bred in london!
Posted: 2004-02-22 07:03:55
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Computer Engineer and radio host in Mexico City
Posted: 2004-02-22 17:00:31
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On 2004-02-18 09:17:09, seiunUsagi wrote:
I live next to a church and a school in a little little place called Kuddby, on a little little place called Vikbolandet, outside a little little town called Norrköping, in a little little province called Östergötland, in a little little country called Sweden, on a little little continent called Europe, on a little little planet called Earth.
naaaaa it's called Tellus not earth
btw swe/norrbotten/luleå/sävast
Posted: 2004-02-22 18:08:30
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i´m a student from germany
Posted: 2004-02-23 12:49:37
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I live in a shity country called romania
This message was posted from a T65
Posted: 2004-02-23 23:08:36
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Im from Norway, likes to spend time on computers, mobile phones etc.
Must say that this forum is one of the best of its type.
For Norwegian people, I also recommend
Sincerely Jan Erik
Posted: 2004-02-24 14:59:02
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Guten Tag alles, ich bin aus Deutschland und ich bin sehr verrückt!
No I am a Swedish guy but I was born I Thailand??!?
Oh well I'm from Thailand but I grew up in Sweden or should I say I was adopted in the age of six which is very, very late.
This is what I do: I sell mosaic furnitures in Germany, France and England, well I have my clients there so I am only some kind for middle hand and I also studying at Lund's university.
Once I finish my studies and get my degree, I will move to Germany because ich habe eine deutsche Freundin.
Posted: 2004-02-24 15:53:03
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Hello,guys.I am kevin fr China(Canton), I am using a t68i and a nokia6600. Welcome to visit Canton, there are more tasted foods and some great travel sights here.
This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2004-02-24 15:55:01
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hi 2 all. i'm from indonesia.
Posted: 2004-02-29 12:50:51
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Hi i am frome sweden
Posted: 2004-02-29 13:08:35
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