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Luke-the-magic-man Posts: > 500

man, thats shit.

Best thing to do is take it appart a little, chean up the mess and take it to tapple to fix

they may not pick up on it...

um you don't need a reciept just the serial number on the base of the unit
Posted: 2007-04-03 02:25:11
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fatreg Posts: > 500

anyone know how to complile and decomplie dmgs?

ie ive a dmg i need to add something to...

any ideas?

Posted: 2007-04-09 03:53:12
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fatreg Posts: > 500


i want to be able to stream my music like luke did as a radio show..

how do i do it?

Posted: 2007-04-09 12:56:25
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fatreg Posts: > 500

anyone got appletv working on there mac?

apparently it's possible....

Posted: 2007-04-10 22:36:01
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Luke-the-magic-man Posts: > 500

i duno, I personally havent tried as you need some kind of reciever for the tv side of it....

i can help with the radio if you still need a hand
Posted: 2007-04-11 01:11:02
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Jools Posts: > 500


I use the free EasyDMG for making DMG files.

Just copy existing files from a DMG into a folder, add new files and drag 'n' drop into EasyDMG
Posted: 2007-04-12 00:38:59
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Hlcn Twst Posts: > 500

The iPhone was slipping, so they dragged engineers off OS X 10.5 to make sure the iPhone comes out in June. Which means Leopard is now delayed from June to October
(scroll down to "Apple Statement")
(scroll to bottom)

Thanks, Apple. I was already delaying my next iMac purchase until the release of Leopard. You've delayed Leopard, so I'm further delaying my purchase.

And I'm not buying an overpriced, underperforming iPhone.

Posted: 2007-04-18 20:44:29
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chrisfirst Posts: 266

Hi guys,

Well, I just had enough of Microsoft, all of those well known issues and stuff, so I'm kinda decided to try a Mac. At the moment I'm thinking to buy a Macbook, the cheapest model with a 1.83 processor and 512 memory. Broke as a joke, but if I like the thing I will get a best Pro model, as soon as I'll be loaded again. Anyway, because of my lack of knowledge I dont know a lot about what I can and what I can't do on it, like I can on my XP, so I just would like to ask some questions and I hope you guys don't mind to sort me out here.So,

1, Can I use MSN? I know there is a Mac version, but is that the same as the Windows one?

2, How about browsing? Will I ever have any problems, with Java sites or anything?

3, How about sites, like BBC with videos on them? I ask this, because if you watch any videos on some of these sites, they often require Media Player.

4, Can I watch downloaded videos ( Divx, Xvid or any avi) in Quicktime? Or is there any other way to watch them properly?

5, Is it possible to read CDs or DVDs written in Windows? Most of my backups are on DVDs.

6, For some strange reason, I'm a big movie trailer junkie and I want to be able to watch them in 1080p. Will it be possible on this system I'm planning to buy or I might need something more powerfull? Would be very, very nice!!!

7, I know it's possible to output the video to an external screen like an LCD TV, but how is the quality if you watch a movie? I know it's sound stupid, but actualy what I mean, will it be the same like I burn the video on CD and play it back on my standalone DVD Player?

8, How about Pdf and Word files?

9, Anyway, is there realy anything I cannot do on it like I could on my XP?

Thanks guys in advance and I hope I didn't sound like an idiot... LOL

Posted: 2007-04-21 02:01:00
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Luke-the-magic-man Posts: > 500

1: Yes you can use msn, there are numerous programs you can use, I myself use adium which supports, msn, yahoo, aol etc

2:no problems, all computers can browse the net, macs are no exception

3:yes macs can play videos on websites... again there are lots of video players avalible

4:again macs can play all kind of videos just like pc's. I use something called vlc player, it openes all video kinds known to man as far asI can tell... but there are also a ton of programs that can be used, inc the ones you can get fro windows. Most programs for windows are avalible in mac versions these days.

5:of course you can read windows cd's... just not run windows written programs

6: these should be no reason why you can't watch your movie trailers in hd if downloaded, although the macbook has the least powerfull gfx card it should still be able to support these files. Also frontrow is a good program for viewing movie trailers on macs.

7:yes it will be the same quality. My external display is 16-- by 12-- I believe and it plays at the video quality.

8: adobe reader and microsoft office are both avalible for mac... have been for years and it always shocks me when people ask this

9: the only thing you can't do is run windows programs, or games without emulation software... you can even run windows on a macbook just in case...

the only real difference between macs are they run more stable, they are more fun, easier to use, easy to set up, easier to back up, wider avalibility of media programs, less games avalible then windows, better spec for cheaper theses days. Overall in my opninion they rock!

one thing I will say is forget everything any windows user has told you about macs as the majority have no idea what they are talking about and are repeating old facts rather then new ones for example rumours which are NOT true about macs yet I have been told repeatedly:

there are slower
there is less software avalible
there is no right click
they are more expensive
they are just for media folk

O in my opnion there is probally no need for you to get a macbook pro over say a top spec macbook, for the general user a macbook will suit your needs fine, its only if you want to do intensive work on it that you need say a macbook pro. I myself use a macbook pro currently the top spec and am considering downgrading even though I do allot of media work and run it 24/7
Posted: 2007-04-21 04:29:24
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chrisfirst Posts: 266

Thanks Luke so much for this well detailed advice!!! To be honest I felt so stupid to ask questions like these and I was expecting something like Google this and Google that answers! So, you Rock! OK I don't want to pollish you anymore... LOL
Anyway, I'm 99% sure I'll get 1 next week, but I still have some not so clear areas...

First of all, which was one of your listed mith, how about that right click? To be honest I was so sure there is only one mouse button... How is this thing works?

I have only one question left, which is about those 1080p HD movie trailers. As I said I'm planing to buy an entry level basic model ( maybe the middle one, but I'm nor sure I'll have the cash ) with a 1.83 processor and 512 RAM. So, on the Quicktime's site under the "Recommended Hardware Configurations for H.264 High Definition (HD) Playback" I see this:

For 1920x1080 (1080p) video at 24 frames per second:
QuickTime 7 for Mac OS X:
Dual 2.0 GHz PowerMac G5 or faster Macintosh computer; 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo or faster
At least 512MB of RAM
128MB or greater video card

As you see the recommended specs a bit above the specs of the planned system. But, for Windows these are the specs for 480p:

For 852x480 (480p) video at 24 frames per second:
QuickTime 7 for Windows:
2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or faster processor
At least 512MB of RAM
64MB or greater video card
Windows 2000 or XP

My current computer is way bellow that and it plays them almost fine, with a loads of shit running in the background. I think if I have a clean system would be play perfect. Anyway, what I'm trying to say or ask are these specs a bit overstated or not? Because if thats the case I just buy an entry system and spend the rest on accessories and stuff. I miss London where I just walk in the store and try it myself...
So, as you see, this would be a main thing! If it can play them, I'll get one. If not I have to wait a couple of weeks more to get a middle model. I hate waiting!!!

Oh, one more stupid question: Will the Apple logo glow in blue?

I dont remember when eas the last time I was so excited about something like this... LOL

Thanks a lot!

Just noticed it has a built in Bluetooth 2.0. Is there any way to make it support A2DP? I hate wires...

This message was posted from a P2000

[ This Message was edited by: chrisfirst on 2007-04-21 22:03 ]
Posted: 2007-04-21 21:28:48
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