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Xajel Posts: > 500

On 2014-04-02 14:25:22, CrownedAkuma wrote:

On 2014-04-02 14:04:39, doministry wrote:
Real user pics:


They looks good
Still there's some focus related problem in low light! but overall good

But what picked me the most was this...

"I just went through a full work day and used the Xperia Z2 the same way I use my Nexus 5 and iPhone 5s (moderate to heavy use). Making calls, sending emails, checking up on news and social media, looking up reports on the web and watching videos while working out at the gym - all the usual stuff. This has been unplugged from the charger at 7:30AM this morning and it is now 10:40 with 41% left on the battery which is absolutely impressive. I wasn't even using ART and Stamina mode.

Normally my Nexus 5 will be at 10-15% and my iPhone 5S would have died at like 6PM. Will continue to test as the days go by. I should have a review up and posted soon"

Battery life MUST be awesome! I hope... this post is really what I needed to know

And usually, the phone will need few days to optimise it self for your usage... so if this was very early days it will be awesome !!

There's some news that S5 has impressive battery life also... the only thing positive in S5 for the battery life is the use of AMOLED ( except if it shows pure white or very bright and light things where the AMOLED will consume more power than regular LCD )... the S5 uses smaller battery than Z2 and both uses the same chip ( thought just tiny bit faster in S5 )... They said that the 801 includes very good battery saving tweaks, I hope these will be in the Z2...
Posted: 2014-04-02 15:59:08
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milukugiuniu Posts: 291

I truned the auto bighterness mode and took the pictures as below. The bighterness was set to max.

[ This Message was edited by: milukugiuniu on 2014-04-02 15:55 ]

Posted: 2014-04-02 16:53:25
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McKinley Posts: > 500

On 2014-04-02 14:25:22, CrownedAkuma wrote:

On 2014-04-02 14:04:39, doministry wrote:
Real user pics:


They looks good
Still there's some focus related problem in low light! but overall good

But what picked me the most was this...

"I just went through a full work day and used the Xperia Z2 the same way I use my Nexus 5 and iPhone 5s (moderate to heavy use). Making calls, sending emails, checking up on news and social media, looking up reports on the web and watching videos while working out at the gym - all the usual stuff. This has been unplugged from the charger at 7:30AM this morning and it is now 10:40 with 41% left on the battery which is absolutely impressive. I wasn't even using ART and Stamina mode.

Normally my Nexus 5 will be at 10-15% and my iPhone 5S would have died at like 6PM. Will continue to test as the days go by. I should have a review up and posted soon"

Battery life MUST be awesome! I hope... this post is really what I needed to know

Ok that flipped me over, first as expected the photo quality is a lot better at 8MP and then the battery performance, which sucks more than anything to my Note 3 after the Kitkat update with T-Mobile.
[ This Message was edited by: McKinley on 2014-04-02 17:00 ]

Posted: 2014-04-02 17:33:05
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AbhiD999 Posts: 215

On 2014-04-02 16:53:25, milukugiuniu wrote:
I truned the auto bighterness mode and took the pictures as below. The bighterness was set to max.

[ This Message was edited by: milukugiuniu on 2014-04-02 15:55 ]

But these are exactly the same pics as the one on last page! ???
Posted: 2014-04-02 18:22:22
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XperiaJunkie Posts: > 500

I know there have been a few posts regarding the camera shoot outs with the Z2 vs THE GS5 well I have just posted a simple shoot out between the GS5 and my own Z1 on the GS5 thread. I know it isn't the Z2 but the hardware is the same and it may give you an idea on how close the 2 cameras are.
Posted: 2014-04-02 20:44:54
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McKinley Posts: > 500

The guy over at Xda forum has updated his Flickr and now has 20MP vs 8MP comparion.
To my great surprise, 20MP looks really good.
The Xperia Z2 is the phone to beat on Android as far as camera department goes.
[ This Message was edited by: McKinley on 2014-04-02 20:50 ]

Posted: 2014-04-02 21:48:24
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heorung Posts: 8

Hey guys,BIONZ for Mobile on Z1/Z2 is hardware or software implementation?
Posted: 2014-04-03 05:37:22
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Shino03 Posts: > 500

The 20 mp pictures are disappointing. They appear hazy (whitish tint)
[ This Message was edited by: Shino03 on 2014-04-03 05:53 ]

Posted: 2014-04-03 06:34:01
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

from the user SoulReaver99 on XDA we've been recently following
"Attached is a screenshot of today's battery usage. Today was moderate on the heavy side and the battery has lasted 14 hours with 25% left.

So far, I am very impressed with this device and it is a definite improvement over the Xperia Z1 which I was really frustrated with - see my review (some of you XDA members / Z1 Zealots disagreed with my review lol).

Sony's Z-series phone is one of, if not THE best looking phones out there and even though the Z2 is bigger than the Nexus 5, Z1, Galaxy S5, etc.. it is still very comfortable to hold. I was playing with the HTC One M8 today at Best Buy today and I really like how comfortable it is to hold. However, the button placement of the M8 was awkward and my fingers often got in the way of the camera lens. Photo quality also suffered because of the low 4MP camera.

There is no lag on this phone at all and applications load and run quickly because it is running the top of the line Android hardware with the latest operating system so there are no worries there. The only thing that I wished the Z2 had was 32GB internal storage or at least an option to run applications off the SD card like how Samsung does it.

Most importantly, the camera has improved over the Z1 (thankfully) but it's still not at the level of the iPhone 5s in auto mode. Most phone camera photographers just want something that can take great pictures without too much thought and the iPhone still wins in that category. However, the Xperia Z2 is not too far behind and I am hopeful that upcoming firmware updates improve the camera and fix some annoying bugs.

I'm not sure how the Galaxy S5 will be but so far the Z2 is the best android phone right now in terms of design, performance, battery life, and camera. I'll have a more complete review sometime next week as I need to further test the device and play with more of it's features"

Posted: 2014-04-03 08:55:52
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miromiromi Posts: 481[....]ship-smartphones-one-more-time

the battery test is worrisome and suspicious.

from the site:
Our standard battery test for mobile phones includes the following parameters:
• Looping a 800 x 480-pixel video with screen brightness and volume at 100%
• Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity turned on
• Constant data streaming through email and Twitter

even at full volume the m8 still uses less power? maybe it's about time sony drops the proprietary display technology and just use what htc one uses. they're not getting any advantage with it anyway. it's even a dim display based on the earlier measurements posted online. i'm not saying i completely believe what's posted on that site though. still crossing my fingers they're wrong.

i hope somebody who already has the unit can test the battery.

i can't understand why z2 has a lower power consumption compared to lg g2 but the g2 outlasts it. it's supposed to last longer considering that it consumes lower power than g2 and has a larger battery. how did they come up with their power consumption numbers? it shouldn't matter whether or not g2's display is more power efficient since wattage should already take the overall power consumption into account.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-04-03 11:45 ]

Posted: 2014-04-03 10:13:29
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