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> A couple of my mates. Meet JasJar and K-Jam (many pics)
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so far so good masseur
Bt while i was doing this i decided to play around with outlook........if u remember i had sed i dont use it at home olny at work. Anyway I managed to configure to get my work email synched with my laptop im getting work email to the outlook....only one thing tho..........
I have a floder on this outlook showing that i dont have at work called "personal"....and another one called "work" work i just have the "inbox""sent" etc
now i get messages sent to my work email coming to my laptop outlook but wen i synch with the dosent retrieve......and i can only move them from the work inbox to the personal inbox and then it shows up on my device wen i synch
any suggestions?
Posted: 2005-12-03 00:41:44
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In k-jam the processor is 195 MHz where as in Jam/Xda mini the processor clock speed is 416 MHz.
I dont understand K-jam having WM5 which is more advanced/powerful than WM2003SE should require more powerful CPU and more RAM to work properly. As you have used both of these devices, did you feel there is actually any difference in the processing SPEED. How about working with multiple applications...
Posted: 2005-12-03 04:31:26
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need some help with pocket MSN on the mini. Works perfectly on the exec but for some reason on the mini it fails to sign in. I get the "Service unavailable " message every time. I have tried clearing and even soft resetting. Any ideas? If I had to do a hard reset would it clear all my email settings etc?
Posted: 2005-12-08 13:16:26
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as you have a branded version I can't really comment on what would happen in the hard reset. Probably though, the account setup is in the extensions part of the ROM which gets applied after the standard hard reset stuff has happened. In which case it would recreate the O2 data accounts.
I haven't seen that message you mention so I think this time its best to call O2 for support as I would only be guessing
good luck
Posted: 2005-12-08 13:36:28
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thanks for the prompt reply sir. I will try o2 direct, though when you say recreate the o2 data you do mean ANY email data such as my personal email settings ie for gmail / aol / etc?
Posted: 2005-12-08 13:41:02
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no, it definitly wouldn't recreate any personal settings, only those predefined by the branding.
so you'd better make a good note of them before doing the hard reset!
Posted: 2005-12-08 13:49:40
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Posted: 2005-12-08 13:53:05
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A lot of good they were..its a third party software so its not their problem apparently. May need to get the device replaced i think
Posted: 2005-12-08 17:56:39
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the bluetooth been working ok for you on kjam masseur? again for me it is perfect in jasjar but doesnt work with kjam
Posted: 2005-12-09 22:28:10
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oh dear, what have O2 done to you!? I've had no bluetooth issues at all.
Are you using a headset or what?
Posted: 2005-12-09 22:31:20
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