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> Nokia N70 Review (56k warning)
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i have this phone and its awesome, im amazed at the video quality, its very high res and has quite smooth fps, but now im selling it, i only bought it to make a profit really, so if ne1 wants it , let me know
Posted: 2005-11-20 22:59:03
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how is the zoom in n70?
Posted: 2005-11-21 21:10:33
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smooth and not bad, it has a high digital zoom, but ovbiously the mp decreases the more you zoom.
Posted: 2005-11-21 23:15:53
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copuld u pls post here an exampls for zooming?
Posted: 2005-11-21 23:33:35
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i think you really need to go to a mobile store and play with it
Posted: 2005-11-22 03:41:26
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thx, very kind of u! it will be out here in 2 days, then i give a try.
Posted: 2005-11-22 03:42:55
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well as you can see, the video quality is great.
I personally am waiting for a w900 or p990 to come out, can't wait.
Posted: 2005-11-22 03:44:09
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seriously, is it worth to for n70? except the 2mp cam, any advantage after 6680?
Posted: 2005-11-22 03:50:56
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i never owned a 6680 because I felt it was too weak but the N70 is definately a beauty., it's fast. All I can say is that the glitches in the firmware are annoying, otherwise it's great, i hate the fact that it reads photos from small memory cards very slowly though.
If I have to choose this or w900 i'd be very confused, but will probably choose a w900becaue I dont care about s60 functions.
Posted: 2005-11-22 04:03:15
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well, it depends also on the price, for how much i could get one. now i am very pleased with the batt of 6680, ca 4 days at normal usage. hope the same of n70, if it is.
Posted: 2005-11-22 04:11:22
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