Seen this on irish national news tech section.[....]2/725220-sony-new-smartphones/ "The Z5 Compact will cost around €450 SIM free, with the Z5 costing €540 and the Z5 Premium around €600."
Hope the price for the compact is correct.
-- Posted: 2015-09-09 13:55:35 Edit :
Z5 Compact is loud but sound quality itself is pretty mediocre.
[ This Message was edited by: penguino on 2015-09-11 16:06 ]
And just how are we ALL going to properly ascertain this when it's not OUR phones' speakers or even the Z5 Compact's speakers we'll hear this test comparison on.
-- Posted: 2015-09-14 04:14:35 Edit :
By using the other phones and his voice as points of reference.
I like Btekt's speaker comparison videos. They're very reliable.
-- Posted: 2015-09-14 08:27:32 Edit :