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gelfen Posts: > 500

specs alone do not a good cell phone make. (just check mobileburn's review of 6600 and you'll see what i mean)
Posted: 2003-11-24 07:38:58
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

Half the problem in desiging a mobile phone is trying to keep them looking advanced and cool, without sacraficing practicality.
SE, to be fair to them, are quite good at this, all of the major manufacturers are usually quite good at this in fact.
Unfortunately the designers often fail to see that some designs belonging to older phones were, in fact, almost near perfection and should be preserved (albiet modified) in future phones.
Posted: 2003-11-25 03:52:40
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gelfen Posts: > 500

to be fair to nokia, this has probably been their modus operandi for 10 years. except for the last 6 to 12 months their basic design has remained inviolate (3650 a notable exception) and so they have become the mcdonald's of cell phones. everything tastes the same, it's not necessarily that good for you, but you know what to expect and are comfortable with that. hence a lot of repeat business.
Posted: 2003-11-25 04:05:47
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

Posted: 2003-11-25 04:07:41
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Flying Finn Posts: > 500

Sorry - I thought I wrote "It's never gonna happen but" before the "NokiaSonyEricsson".

I think the T68 looks good (if a little like those dummy phones for kids - the T68i not so much) but it was designed by Ericsson, not SonyEricsson. So you can't really use it as an example of SE's design abilities.
Posted: 2003-11-25 16:32:09
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kitp800 Posts: 221

The main reason that Nokia out sell SE and the rest, is that the salesmen get more comission for the nokias.

They are forced to reach targets for their sales by comission.
When they get twice the comission for selling a Nokia than an SE, which fone do you think they are going to push???

A customer walks in and the salesmen jump.
The customer tells them what they want and Salesmen has two options,
Sell a crap nokia which gets them £100 comission or a great SE fone which only gets them £50?

Then from the other point of view..
A customer walks in and up walks a Salesman.
They tell the guy what they want and are told that the nokia is better (lol), does what they say (to a degree) and that it will cost half of the SE which isnt really worth the extra buck (blatent lie)
For someone who doesnt much about fones, only what they are told, what do you think they'll buy.

Ask a salesman what to buy, here the words Nokia, then pull out you SE.
Look at their face, and then ask again...
Posted: 2003-11-25 17:34:30
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Flying Finn Posts: > 500

I think SE should improve its low-end phones because they are the biggest selling segment.

Nokia has the 3100 for the basic user. Then theres the more high-tech 3200 (integrated camera, EDGE, FM radio, Irda, etc) and the music phone 3300 (MMC, FM radio, True Tones, MP3 player). All three have speakerphone, polyphonic ringtones, Java, MMS, Pop-port, user changeable covers and 4096 colour screens that have higher resolution than those of Siemens' phones.

When I think of T230, T310 and Z200 I think of no speakerphone, no Java, 256 colour low-res screens in the first two, no MMS except in the T310, and less daring designs than Nokias. They win in polyphonic ringtone quality but that's not the only thing that sells phones.
Posted: 2003-11-25 18:09:32
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

@Flying Finn
On behalf of most here on the forum, thanks...
Posted: 2003-11-25 19:48:21
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