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progosu Posts: 21

maybe z2 has just a lot brighter screen?
Posted: 2014-04-03 12:28:37
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miromiromi Posts: 481

unfortunately, that's unlikely. early measurements show it does not even reach the 500 level. m8 has a brighter screen.
Posted: 2014-04-03 12:35:44
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Although the Z2 screen is by no means dull, so it's hardly unfortunate.
Posted: 2014-04-03 12:49:14
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-04-03 10:13:29, miromiromi wrote:[....]ship-smartphones-one-more-time

the battery test is worrisome and suspicious.
i can't understand why z2 has a lower power consumption compared to lg g2 but the g2 outlasts it. it's supposed to last longer considering that it consumes lower power than g2 and has a larger battery. how did they come up with their power consumption numbers? it shouldn't matter whether or not g2's display is more power efficient since wattage should already take the overall power consumption into account.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-04-03 11:45 ]

I would like to see how they obtain those time and numbers for the Xperia Z2... On their site there's no Hands On or Review for the Z2 except that of the MWC 2014... so I'm assuming they do not have the device in their hands but still they are expressing times and measurments... also why no LG G2 pro or Galaxy S5 in that list?
and also as you pointed.. why the Z2 has a lower power consumption than the G2, a bigger battery, and still a lower Battery life (almost AN HOUR)?
I'm not saying this are false data but to me they seems a bit stinky...

Again... I'm waiting for a REAL REVIEW... until then I'm not firmly believing anything...
I mean on XDA SoulReaver99 posted a screenshots with 14h 9m of battery life with still 25% of the juice remaining... that seemed great... but this??
I can only say that at HTC they are real wizards in optimising CPUs and batteries... so surely the HTC ONE 2014 will have an amazing battery life!

Posted: 2014-04-03 13:40:55
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AbhiD999 Posts: 215

Unlike others Sony phones reach their full battery performance after a month or so !
I think it's pretty much unfair !
They should do these tests after a month or so and i can bet that results will be overwhelmingly different !!!
[ This Message was edited by: AbhiD999 on 2014-04-03 14:23 ]

Posted: 2014-04-03 15:18:58
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miromiromi Posts: 481

seriously? is that true? do you have technical references or is it purely anecdotal?
Posted: 2014-04-03 15:54:57
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AbhiD999 Posts: 215

On 2014-04-03 15:54:57, miromiromi wrote:
seriously? is that true? do you have technical references or is it purely anecdotal?

Having owned Xperias i know this and imo most of Xperia owners will corroborate this too. . .

Xperia arc was reviewed by GSMArena on 1 April but they did an Battery test with other Competitors on May 17th(more than 1 month later). Not a thorough test but should give an idea.[....]-championship-not-so-brightly/

"Web browsing battery life test:

Apple iPhone 4 – 7:40 h
Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc – 5:25 h
Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II – 4:59 h (Opera Mobile browser)
LG Optimus 2X – 4:54 h
LG Optimus Black – 4:30 h
Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II – 4:22 h (stock browser)
Samsung I9000 Galaxy S – 4:06 h "

Unfortunately this is the only battery test that was done so many days later after device was started to be used!
[ This Message was edited by: AbhiD999 on 2014-04-03 16:19 ]

Posted: 2014-04-03 16:38:18
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RandomCarpet Posts: 202

From my experience, it takes like one to two weeks until the battery reaches its full capacity. And this is not only for Xperia devices, the feature phones I've had in the past were also like this
[ This Message was edited by: RandomCarpet on 2014-04-03 21:25 ]

Posted: 2014-04-03 22:24:36
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josephnero Posts: > 500

Also X-reallity upscales the video to FHD that consumes battery when playing vid
Posted: 2014-04-03 22:36:35
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doministry Posts: > 500

More good pics!!!!!!
Posted: 2014-04-04 12:10:48
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