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On 2014-04-08 17:38:53, miromiromi wrote:
why don't you raise your arguments to the PROFESSIONALS of dxomark? that is if you're confident enough with your photography knowhow to challenge their opinions...
So hold on.. you agree with them that when rating IQ, Autofocus is a valid parameter? .. or that you can't adjust exposure and contrast to suite any needs.... ??? really ???
those people have a reputation to keep. they know photography more than you know how to use a basic point and shoot.
I doubt that considering how they just showed their A$$ on this one
i suggest you try launching a change.org campaign to have dxo reevaluate your nokias to bring them on top of the list again.
Not worth my time.... nore apparently will this post be worth it unless you are willing to remove the fanboy-shades. Nor do I care that much as I already 100% confident I have own the best mobile device for capturing photos... the 808... which dxo knows too if you simply remove the bogus fluff they threw into their latest report to bring down the 808's overall score.
On 2014-04-08 17:52:02, kurtdean wrote:
Little to no noise doesn't make a good camera overall nokia people, other things should take into consideration too like white balance, color accuracy etc not just noise free photos LMAO! Btw lumia 1020 colour accuracy is shit and oversaturated!
[ This Message was edited by: kurtdean on 2014-04-08 16:54 ]
"White balance, color accuracy etc".... are you F*&$ING kidding me!?!?!

I'm sad for your ignorance
[ This Message was edited by: mlife on 2014-04-08 17:08 ]
Posted: 2014-04-08 18:02:44
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XperiaJunkie Posts: > 500
@CrownedAkuna well said my friend, well said.
Bet all 808 users are now

with rage going to start a petition to close that website down as the precious 808 pureview has been shot down.
Congratulations Sony on this victory now all Nokia have to brag about is their Nokia maps.
Posted: 2014-04-08 18:06:14
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fanboys? you mean that congregation in the pureview 808 thread? hmmm... we don't seem to have that culture/subculture here. we're just reasonable people who keep our cool and don't get too affected by what others say. when the pros speak, we just try to listen because we know we don't know that much to raise compelling arguments against experienced and knowledgeable opinions.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-04-08 17:09 ]
Posted: 2014-04-08 18:08:34
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Albert Einstein said it best.....
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly."
DXO has failed here.... and you have too by simply accepting what that tell you.... I don't mean to nor want to start some flame war here among the sony crowd I was just hoping to make an intelligent point which has apparently fallen upon deaf ears. I'll just leave you with dxo's OWN information....
Sony (80.85714)
Exposure and contrast 88
Color 74
Autofocus 84
Texture 83
Noise 84
Artifacts 68
Flash 85
Nokia (81.85714)
Exposure and contrast 78
Color 80
Autofocus 73
Texture 84
Noise 88
Artifacts 89
Flash 81
Look at the bold items and before I/M-ing me in rage, THINK... for your self (not what some blog tells you is best) what of this list really MATTERS to IQ.... Granted the Z2 is likely better for the masses in EVERY OTHER WAY as a smart phone, but its just ignorant to claim it has a better camera sensor / IQ ~PERIOD~
[ This Message was edited by: mlife on 2014-04-08 17:53 ]
Posted: 2014-04-08 18:16:14
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Albert Einstein said it best.....
"Great spirits (dxo) have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds (pureview fanatics). The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices (dxo refusing to play along the supposed superiority of pureview specs) and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly."
way to go dxo!
i'm sorry this is how i'm interpreting that quote.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-04-08 17:27 ]
Posted: 2014-04-08 18:23:00
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Just happened what i said to Bonovox
Chill out people, it's just about mobile phones.
Posted: 2014-04-08 18:31:18
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LOL.... please simply type here for the world to see.... that "Autofocus is a component of superior IQ"... thats it... just say that so the world can forever look back at your ignorance etched in time. I find it hard to believe that even YOU think that....
Posted: 2014-04-08 18:31:28
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(self, pls forgive me but i can't prevent myself from responding)
may i remind you that those parameters were the same parameters used to hail pureview 808 as the former leader among mobila cameras. did you complain about the inclusion of those things you didn't highlight when 808 was on top?
also, if you just read what dxomark is all about, you'll realize that it's not just about your idea of image quality. the company is assessing the performance of the camera sensors and lenses. it's broader than just the final image quality you are thinking. autofocus is part of gauging the performance of the lenses used, i suppose.
again, i'm no photography expert so i just try to understand what they're doing there.
you see, i think your problem here is really just the nokia fanboy club's hurt egos. the toppling of 808 from the top seems to have badly affected your pride.
if you only read dxomark's breakdown of and explanations on the ratings, you will see that you really have nothing to be bothered about. as you yourself pointed out by highglighting dxomark's numbers, what you're saying is being backed by dxomark's own assessment. there should be no argument.
you just seem too riled by 808's rank demotion.
Posted: 2014-04-08 19:03:57
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You still haven't said it... and my ego isn't hurt at all nor was I ever aware of dxo's site prior to this or I would have still claimed that their thinking is flawed.... not to mention biased!! look for yourself....
Please go to their site and tell me what they scored the 808 back when tested to Still IQ;
Now tell me what they scored the Z2;
.... I'll save you some time.. they both got an 81 with the BOGUS autofocus category and (IMO) Exposure.. but I won't even get into that... however... take out a calculator and what you actually get is
80.85714286 for sony
81.85714286 for Nokia
Now, why (unless biased) would they round up for Sony but not nokia??? HMMM... a fair and accurate site you say.. then please do let me hear your explanation........ OH - and I'm still waiting to see you type "Autofocus is a component of superior IQ" ... not make up some hogwash about how its relevant to take this off track....
ps... i'm not riled at all.... as a matter of fact I'm simply humored that after over two years sony fans are still hoping for something to come out to top Nokia's past..... how does it feel to still be chasing down "dead tech"

[ This Message was edited by: mlife on 2014-04-08 18:19 ]
Posted: 2014-04-08 19:12:55
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Let's have a camera duel, 808 PureView owners post some pics taken with your 808 and Xperia Z2 owners post some pics taken in similar conditions, to put an end to all this....or make it all more interesting.

[ This Message was edited by: Tsepz_GP on 2014-04-08 18:24 ]
Posted: 2014-04-08 19:15:00
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