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Did dxomark conclude that the Z2 is better in IQ than 808? Did anyone of us here say the same?
That's all. 10 bucks says this wouldn't continue on the next page (hello hihihans

Edit: Probably the next page, again.

[ This Message was edited by: itsjustJOH on 2014-04-08 18:18 ]
Posted: 2014-04-08 19:16:43
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On 2014-04-08 19:16:43, itsjustJOH wrote:
Did dxomark conclude that the Z2 is better in IQ than 808? Did anyone of us here say the same?
That's all. 10 bucks says this wouldn't continue on the next page (hello hihihans

Edit: Probably the next page, again.
[ This Message was edited by: itsjustJOH on 2014-04-08 18:18 ]
All this calls for a 808 PureView vs. Xperia Z2 thread, to see if the 808 really has lost the throne or not, kind of like the Nokia N95 vs. SE K850i Camera threads we had.
Posted: 2014-04-08 19:28:06
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On 2014-04-08 19:12:55, mlife wrote:
You still haven't said it... and my ego isn't hurt at all nor was I ever aware of dxo's site prior to this or I would have still claimed that their thinking is flawed.... not to mention biased!! look for yourself....
Please go to their site and tell me what they scored the 808 back when tested to Still IQ;
Now tell me what they scored the Z2;
.... I'll save you some time.. they both got an 81 with the BOGUS autofocus category and (IMO) Exposure.. but I won't even get into that... however... take out a calculator and what you actually get is
80.85714286 for sony
81.85714286 for Nokia
Now, why (unless biased) would they round up for Sony but not nokia??? HMMM... a fair and accurate site you say.. then please do let me hear your explanation........ OH - and I'm still waiting to see you type "Autofocus is a component of superior IQ" ... not make up some hogwash about how its relevant to take this off track....
ps... i'm not riled at all.... as a matter of fact I'm simply humored that after over two years sony fans are still hoping for something to come out to top Nokia's past..... how does it feel to still be chasing down "dead tech"
[ This Message was edited by: mlife on 2014-04-08 18:19 ]
so that's how somebody "humored" reacts? certainly doesn't look like it to me.
now, let's just go back to that VERY IMPORTANT thing you keep missing.
in all those ratings, it only says "DxOMark Mobile" (photo/video). it did not say IQ. well, guess that spells the difference between professionals and someone who claims to know a lot about photography. difference in the grasp of terminologies?
ditto on what itsjustJOH said.
but i guess that won't be enough explanation for you. you're still too riled with how the ranking went. riled.
and regarding your calculations...
assuming you are correct and that 808 should get 82 for dxomark photo (instead of 81 or a similar figure to z2's), the overall difference will only be .33 point (77.33 vs 77). it's still lower than 79.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-04-08 18:44 ]
Posted: 2014-04-08 19:28:32
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An image like this compared to this by Z2 is a massive difference in quality especially grain and noise
Posted: 2014-04-08 20:05:34
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Riled... okay, I see you want to keep trying to make this personal and not see past the fog of a flawed analysis and biased website testing so this will indeed be my last thoughts on the matter. I don't disagree that the Z2 is an awesome phone and likely the best smartphone out right now but if you're not comparing IQ, why even bother comparing it to the outdated 808 at all?? And if you are comparing anything to the 808 it really would only be about the IQ as that is really the only outstanding thing about it (other than maybe the microphone)... having said that, Ill say it again.. you can adjust exposure and contrast so to me thats not valid and you can't count Autofocus as IQ as its irrelevant other than maybe ease of use - If you are either too dense or stubborn to see that then we will never have a productive debate.... if you do understand that but are afraid to admit it publicly (I'll let you slide as this is fanboy central) but even by dxo's number that would mean the results should really read like this;
And those figures are just by removing the obvious.. I would further argue that color and flash should also be removed from those figures but considering the apparent lack of comprehension here, I concede to leaving them in.... There is no way to convince me otherwise and I believe anyone with a true desire to see relevant facts would come to the same conclusion - unless of course your just trying to paint a rose colored portrait. I do for one however hope that someone will indeed truly top the 808's IQ soon as I'm really tired of lugging two phones everywhere.
Posted: 2014-04-08 20:09:26
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500
Guys please stop... I'm smelling Hihihans scent from miles away... Do you want this thread to be closed for a day? And the last two pages to be erased?
My weed-smoking cute baby is really sad because he is on the verge of being canceled! He is gonna cry out loud for sure!
Miromiromi please do not answer, it's non useful... I, for one, am doubtful about the Z2 superiority... But I'm happy to know that the quality of the pics is GREAT... That is all we need to know...
Mlife please stop, the 808 is surely better in still pics but also slower... There's no need for this arguing! Nobody came in your 808 thread bragging about the Z2 and its presumed superiority... We were just staying here in our ignorance happy for the fake Z2 results! Let us be happy for our favourite phone!
Bonovox stay out of this, is it possible that you are always around when a fire start? And you are always there throwing gasoline on the fire to make it grow even bigger! You were the one posting in the Nokia Thread the link with the DxO review!
Stop please
Posted: 2014-04-08 21:51:23
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I wasn't starting anything I just shared a comparison of 2 photos
Posted: 2014-04-08 22:33:27
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Further delays ?
Posted: 2014-04-08 23:06:23
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I remember thinking how embarrassing it would be for those who rubbished Eldar Murtazin when he tweeted that a few weeks ago.
Oh dear...
Posted: 2014-04-08 23:23:12
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Vodafone say on their website that the phone will be delivered on 14th April here in the UK.
Posted: 2014-04-08 23:26:33
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