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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

It has already gone on sale in China at least. Esato user milukugiuniu has one which he says is the Chinese version.
Posted: 2014-04-08 23:54:03
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cu015170 Posts: > 500

Personally, I can look at a few images from a mobile device and I could tell you where they stand on the scale.. I don't really need them to be in the exact same condition, etc. Noise levels, artifacts, detail, DR.. all of these things are pretty obvious regardless of what conditions the photo was taken in.

I've been waiting for a smartphone to top (or at least be on par with) the 808 so I can switch, but thus far... there is nothing out there. The Z2 takes nice photos, but so does the 1520, the iPhone 5s, the gs5.. the newer LGs.. they are all nice and acceptable for 99% of the users out there. Unfortunately once you get used to the mighty sensor/optics combo on the 808 everything else is just not good enough... the 808 is simply in a different category.

The 1020 got very close, but still.. I don't see a point in updating since its not an improvement over the 808 ... at least not enough for my own needs.

DXO's scoring is only that.. a specific set of numbers and categories that they find important. I can make a scale that would put the iPhone 5s camera on top by 20 points.. would it be true ? Yes, if the parameters I set are what is important to you..

On 2014-04-08 19:15:00, Tsepz_GP wrote:
Let's have a camera duel, 808 PureView owners post some pics taken with your 808 and Xperia Z2 owners post some pics taken in similar conditions, to put an end to all this....or make it all more interesting.
[ This Message was edited by: Tsepz_GP on 2014-04-08 18:24 ]

No go because of different conditions..blabla

On 2014-04-08 19:12:55, mlife wrote:

.... I'll save you some time.. they both got an 81 with the BOGUS autofocus category and (IMO) Exposure.. but I won't even get into that... however... take out a calculator and what you actually get is

80.85714286 for sony
81.85714286 for Nokia

Posted: 2014-04-09 01:03:32
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AbhiD999 Posts: 215

@ mlife

Hey you creepy little alien, just go back to your forum/planet!
The environment here won't suit you

On a serious note- Why did you even come on this forum to comment ? Why troll ? No one asked/requested you to come here.
No one from here did the same trollin' on your forum! You are as much BUTThurt as the "hundreds" of Lumia fans out there!
What's funny is that you guys who are No Ones of NoWhere are questioning the results of a world renowned site in terms of photography! Pro Photographers and Even Cam companies themselves look out for the results of DxoMark and take decisions accordingly! DxoMark sets the standards for photography worldwide.

You are the same guys who used to point out DxoMark's results till 3 days ago whenever someone questioned your Lumia 808!

Now Pack your Bags Up from here and Go Home. . .
[ This Message was edited by: AbhiD999 on 2014-04-09 05:45 ]

Posted: 2014-04-09 06:37:59
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AbhiD999 Posts: 215

On 2014-04-08 23:23:12, Tsepz_GP wrote:

I remember thinking how embarrassing it would be for those who rubbished Eldar Murtazin when he tweeted that a few weeks ago.

Oh dear...

That "further" delay has nothing to do with rest of the world!
HongKong was never supposed to get Z2 in time once initial delay occured there.
So Eldar is as much Wrong today as he was Earlier!
Posted: 2014-04-09 06:43:02
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hihihans Posts: > 500

I there really nobody with a sense of humour?
Don't take things personally, unless you are the one who burned the factory down to cause the delay.
Posted: 2014-04-09 07:52:28
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-04-09 07:52:28, hihihans wrote:
I there really nobody with a sense of humour?
Don't take things personally, unless you are the one who burned the factory down to cause the delay.

That was Eldar!!

Posted: 2014-04-09 08:09:35
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miromiromi Posts: 481

looks like someone's so busy hopping from one thread to another to assail the z2 and dxomark. you can really notice their frustration with a just one good news about z2.
Posted: 2014-04-09 08:47:55
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Xajel Posts: > 500

There might be some bad news

Xperia Z2 owners reporting issues with gaps in chassis and overheating with 4K Video[....]and-overheating-with-4k-video/

I was expecting the overheating with 4K video, it's natural any way.. but I donno how bad is this until we try it, or see some one using thermometer to test it for real...

but the gap.. well it's bad, I hope Sony will fix it in future patches, and fix the current patches on warranty...
Posted: 2014-04-09 09:00:42
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500

On 2014-04-09 09:00:42, Xajel wrote:
There might be some bad news

Xperia Z2 owners reporting issues with gaps in chassis and overheating with 4K Video[....]and-overheating-with-4k-video/

I was expecting the overheating with 4K video, it's natural any way.. but I donno how bad is this until we try it, or see some one using thermometer to test it for real...

but the gap.. well it's bad, I hope Sony will fix it in future patches, and fix the current patches on warranty...

Overheating is a NON-Issue... it was to be expected in such a slim phone, with glasss front and back, shooting 4K...

While the gap between the glass and the frame is bad... I would like to know the percentage of this... but most important Sony should change those phones... this is a Factory defect! it should be under warranty no?

Anyway they are fooling us even in the HTC One M8 thread... Oh boy!

Then watch this...[....]=player_embedded&v=newNF1UsOcw I almost fall off the chair thinking to the stupidity of this man! I hope he learned that phones should not be Smashed with a Hammer!

Also... the LifeLog app has been released on the PlayStore... could some of you try it out, look how it is?
Posted: 2014-04-09 10:14:39
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doministry Posts: > 500

On 2014-04-09 08:47:55, miromiromi wrote:
looks like someone's so busy hopping from one thread to another to assail the z2 and dxomark. you can really notice their frustration with a just one good news about z2.

Whiners will be always whiners
Posted: 2014-04-09 11:48:17
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