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> Sony Xperia Z2
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there's a separate review of the camera. it says that the galaxy s4 camera is better.
However, there is no perfect products and the Xperia Z2 has its flaws. For example, not everyone will like is not very convenient, angular body, and algorithms have taken to improve: the photos are better than HTC, but worse than the Samsung.
many sites mention it appears to work only with superior auto. the shots taken their are in manual mode (the photo taker had the option to set the camera to the best possible settings but he/she apparently didn't)
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-04-10 05:10 ]
Posted: 2014-04-09 23:51:10
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with all respect i own a S4 and camera is average.not trying to be a fanboy here but i don't accept it.
Posted: 2014-04-10 00:47:37
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just quoting the translation of the site. just wanted to point that out. of course i still prefer sony that's why i'm raising those questions about their use of the 8MP manual mode instead of shooting in superior auto.
their comparison uses only the 8MP manual mode on the z2 but the s4 uses the full 13MP resolution. i'm not sure if the 8MP z2 photo uses the full sensor potential just like the pixel binned 8MP in superior auto. smells like bias but i'm not sure.
[ This Message was edited by: miromiromi on 2014-04-10 00:16 ]
Posted: 2014-04-10 01:06:08
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8 mp pics = Superior Auto in most cases as only Manual mode allows 20 MP
Anyway, 8 MP Z1/Z2/Z1C shots are always better quality than 20 MP shots. All Z1 owners would confirm this.
As for the sites, different sites have different opinions so it's not really worth arguing over their opinions. On one hand you have sites that praise the Z1/Z1c cameras and call them among the best cameras available there are others like HitechMail.ru (blind test posted few pages back) which show Z2 to be the worst camera even behind Nexus 5.
Surely most of these sites' opinions are far from reality so let's not pay much attention to these.
Posted: 2014-04-10 05:41:13
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what i know is superior auto is only in 16:9 aspect ratio, not 4:3. the one on hitech... is in 4:3 so i'm wondering if it's in superior auto despite being in 8MP resolution.
Posted: 2014-04-10 06:09:07
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Right. That's true, so those pics are taken with 8MP manual mode not superior Auto. That's not really a bad thing though, as Manual 8MP pics are most of the times much better than crappy superior Auto.
There are numerous posts showing the difference between 8MP SA and 8MP manual on XDA and elsewhere.
[ This Message was edited by: randomuser on 2014-04-10 06:35 ]
Posted: 2014-04-10 07:34:00
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UK stock update
Posted: 2014-04-10 08:34:00
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On 2014-04-09 22:08:32, AbhiD999 wrote:
And why should one believe that Russian review OR You instead of DxoMark results?! ! !
Give me one single reason !
Money.....lot a money for paid review
On 2014-04-09 21:59:32, dalmac wrote:
My Russia isn't great (and neither is Google translate) so where does it say that the camera is crap?
I say this. Are you blind mate?

Terrible lens , terrible postprocessing. With one word - C R A P
On 2014-04-09 23:04:41, dalmac wrote:
Dissipating the heat to other parts of the phone makes perfect sense.
Yep...so this Sony Singapore advised consumers not to record 4K video
Posted: 2014-04-10 14:34:40
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hey sassho, are you quoting yourself quoting yourself?
Posted: 2014-04-10 14:40:06
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CrownedAkuma Posts: > 500
On 2014-04-10 14:40:06, miromiromi wrote:
hey sassho, are you quoting yourself quoting yourself?
I think he really get the post wrong LOL....
Anyway I trust more the results of DxO, the photos shot from soulreaver99 and on other sites than that russian site
Anyway Sony Singapore did not stated not to shoot 4K video... but to shoot them few minutes at a time!
“We are aware of some users encountering issues when shooting 4K video for extended periods. Shooting movies in high quality 4K resolution can make significant demands on your phone’s processor and battery life, as well as phone memory. Therefore for the best experience, we recommend you install a high capacity SD card (Xperia Z2 can take a card up to 128GB) and shoot 4K video in short bursts of no longer than a few minutes at a time.“
This is the same reason why Samsung capped the 4k shooting at 5 minutes! to avoid overheating... this is normal, this are phones with a width of 7mm...! how could they not overheat with such a demanding task?
And also if the phone overheat the solution is simple... shoot 4k video underwater! that way it will surely not overheat

[ This Message was edited by: CrownedAkuma on 2014-04-10 13:53 ]
Posted: 2014-04-10 14:44:33
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