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> A couple of my mates. Meet JasJar and K-Jam (many pics)
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Hi Masseur,
lol I KNOW
NOT EVEN a headset just passing a contact betwen the three devices (p910i being the third) I wonder if my last resort is a hard reset to TRY ad solve this.........on the kjam now there isnt an option for new incoming and outgoing ports for when i try to bond with the other devices.
Posted: 2005-12-09 23:00:15
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masseur, do i need to have a 3g sim to operate gprs on these devices?
Posted: 2005-12-11 00:33:10
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ok, a month and a half has gone by since my first post, and i was wondering if you guys have had enough time to play with your new cell to give feedback about the specific topic of STREMING A 700Mb .avi ( divx non standard resolution ) movie from a PC to the WIZARD ( with TCPMP or other )... >Rolling Eyes
i'm stuck with an almost useless phone until i upgrade, and i would REALLY join the Wizard group... >Very Happy
Posted: 2005-12-11 04:57:15
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Ok now that i have managed to get gprs AND wi-fi BOTH finally working
can you please help with more connection questions.
My questions and i presume the similarity of the two XDA devices(Exec and Mini-S) or (Jasjar and K-jam) means the answer will be the same.
1) How can i stop the devices trying to connect via gprs when my home router is i have to keep cancelling the connection trying to pick up on gprs
2)When the devices pick up a network wifi connection (whilst out and about) how do i get to use THAT connection as opposed to gprs (and not have to pay gprs charges)
Or am I missing something basic AGAIN
Posted: 2005-12-12 14:58:43
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1) in my experience you need to be actually at "connected" status with the wifi for it to be used as the default. At home my k-jam always uses wifi as the default because I don't need to log on or anything.
2) I know what you mean here and it does work as described above BUT I find that I have to go to flight mode, then turn on wifi, wait for the connection to the wifi network (I use BT openzone), go to any web page which brings up the BT openzone login, then login and start using the service. Then I can turn the flight mode off and all works as expected.
I haven't found a way around that yet
Posted: 2005-12-12 20:52:04
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2) I know what you mean here and it does work as described above BUT I find that I have to go to flight mode, then turn on wifi, wait for the connection to the wifi network (I use BT openzone), go to any web page which brings up the BT openzone login, then login and start using the service. Then I can turn the flight mode off and all works as expected.
I haven't found a way around that yet """""
Im confused by this Masseur----
I MUST b missing something i thought that if there was a network available and detected (say if you were passing by) then unless it was password protected you could log on to the internet using that connection any person coming into my home for example would be able to- as my router doesnt have a password.
Im sorry really apologetic if im being overly dumb here and not understanding something because if what you are saying is so then do i need to do all that you are saying and then log on to my aol? but im sure that wouldnt give me a browser on mobile?
Posted: 2005-12-12 23:36:06
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just like to say is that i recieved my xda mini s (i-mate k-jam) and i am so impressed with it, the unit being so small is a bonus and the keyboard is just amazing but i think you guys already no that

, but i think bill gates have a made a huge improvement on the wm5, its soo cool i am more happy with it than my previous pocket pc the i-mate jam (magician). oooh and it also comes with wifi
no crashes soo far

im going to make sure that i dont put any 3rd party application and just use it for the only reason why i bought it for , ENTERTAINMENT, movies (WMV, WMA & MPEG4, mp3, and pictures & hotmail, MSN and browsing on the net. and a few word and excel docs.
[ This Message was edited by: upper on 2005-12-14 20:49 ]
[ This Message was edited by: upper on 2005-12-14 20:50 ]
Posted: 2005-12-14 21:44:44
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i recently broke my trio (jam, kjam, and jasjar)
i'll stick to my jasjar.
BTW masseur, how much did u sell your JJ for?
Posted: 2005-12-18 05:44:14
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can't remember exactly but I think it was £550 on ebay
Posted: 2005-12-18 07:35:55
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This seems pretty tasty[....]ds/0,39031442,39095540p,00.htm
Posted: 2005-12-23 02:52:45
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