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Shima Posts: 36

Got it,
Its called Arctic Blue.
Check your email
Posted: 2002-12-15 18:59:00
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jalu Posts: > 500


Do you also sell the screwdrivers needed?
If not, where can I get them from (inna UK) and how much are they?

Posted: 2002-12-15 20:22:00
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Shima Posts: 36

I don't have them, sorry about that guys.
But you can probably pick them up for a buck or so in any hardware store. It shouldn't be a problem.
Posted: 2002-12-15 20:45:00
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Psykotik Posts: 476

If anyone needs to get hold of the screwdriver required, just let me know. I can get hold of them very easily This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-12-15 20:45:00
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DragonEye Posts: > 500

@Jalu, you can buy them here if you want.

They're nice people

Posted: 2002-12-16 05:33:00
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banana_ryce Posts: 1

emailed everyone back...

Hey Shima, question: What's the "classic Ericsson T68 front panels." that would go for $15/piece.
Posted: 2002-12-16 08:02:00
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Shima Posts: 36

These are the ones that went for Ericsson T68 (old one), not the last one, called SonyEricsson T68i
They come in 2 colors: Zirrocan Gold & Lunar Grey.
They cost $15. All brand new and sealed.
Posted: 2002-12-16 08:42:00
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orang3 Posts: > 500

i rather go for the t68i 1 ... if u ask me ..
Posted: 2002-12-16 08:49:00
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amr999 Posts: 27

Hi Shima,

I'm interested in the Arctic Blue faceplate. I've send you an email.
Please provide details as soon as possible.

Thanks and regards

Posted: 2002-12-16 10:02:00
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Shima Posts: 36


Check you email.
Posted: 2002-12-16 19:55:00
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