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laurenke01 Posts: > 500

If the rumors are true, there are UIQ "cousins" of the X1 meaning that down the road, you may get your UIQ side-slide.
Posted: 2008-04-08 14:47:56
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ares Posts: > 500

yep...they will be more "comunicator" style than Paris...but bigger
Posted: 2008-04-08 16:01:31
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bcz Posts: 6

bigger? as in bigger screen size ? more memory? and so on .. any more info about the "bigger" communicators that u can reveale ?
Posted: 2008-04-08 16:33:37
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laurenke01 Posts: > 500

There is no real info about these devices...but considering Xperia is a product line and not a single phone, X1-esque UIQ devices will come sooner or later.
Posted: 2008-04-08 19:47:07
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makbil Posts: > 500

Yes but the X1 is manufactured by HTC who have no experience with UIQ...
Don't tell me SE is going to get some design insight from X1 and use it for a UIQ3 off shoot
Posted: 2008-04-08 22:14:57
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laurenke01 Posts: > 500

HTC manufactured but did not design the X1.

Similar to how Palm designed the Treo 670/700w, but the unit was built by HTC.[....]uilding-the-treo-670-for-palm/

There is a difference between "design" and "manufacturer" and you're giving HTC wayyy too much credit.

ETA: Furthermore, and I quote:

They took care to emphasize that HTC didn't have a large hand in developing the hardware. “We designed it, HTC is just the ODM” was a phrase I heard twice. SE is (rightfully) very proud of this hardware and though they're utilizing HTC to do the manufacturing, they really want to make sure that they get the credit.[....]w_first_impressions_of_th.html

No offense, but can we kill the assumption that HTC "designed" the X1 since this is obviously not true?

[ This Message was edited by: laurenke01 on 2008-04-08 22:10 ]
Posted: 2008-04-08 22:54:04
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tonif430 Posts: 77

I hope they don't put out the side wheel. I prefer a slide than a flip format.
Posted: 2008-04-08 23:59:21
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max_wedge Posts: > 500

@makbil, I agree with you, but not sure a full qwerty (with one button per key) would fit on a handset that size? I've not used P1 keyboard, so can't say from my own experience how much harder a P1 style qwerty is to use than a full qwerty. I've have to give it a lash before I decide, but I think a P1 qwerty is still better than a plain number pad (aka N95)

If P1 style qwerty is too cumbersome, then I'd rather a horizontal slide formfactor with a decent qwerty like X1

Regarding Xperia, X1 and Xperia are two different things. X1 is the physical handset, Xperia is the interface design. Xperia is not tied to WM, it's an interface design philosophy that SE say they will extend to other handsets in their range.

Xperia is pure SE.
Posted: 2008-04-09 01:17:51
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makbil Posts: > 500

@max_wedge, I tried out the P1 keyboard a few times and didn't like it. A few of my friends also commented that it was a pain writing single hand messages for SMS. Here, the flip has the added advantage that you can use single tap (with T9) and really get the work done quickly. So in fact you have the best of both worlds. My preference would be for a slide out full qwerty keyboard used in landscape mode as in HTC. The flip could be flipped or could slide out to expose the rest of the screen, I'm flexible there
Posted: 2008-04-09 12:00:31
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hgautam Posts: > 500

I have used QWERTY keyboards of X1, HTC's and P1... Only once though... But I have a P990 and it has made me addicted to a full QWERTY keyboard and I can't go back to a normal keypad...

But which of these is better????

Among these, HTC's side sliding keyboards are the worst, then it's the X1, then P990 and the best of all P1... Just like X1 and few HTC phones I have used P1's keyboard only once and as I knew that each button can be pressed on two side, I didn't faced any problems at all... In fact, P1's keyboard was more easy and comfortable to use than P990's and can be used with one or both hands more easily... Whereas the main problems with HTC's keyboards are:
- The spacebar is too small
- The keyboard cannot be used with one hand and one needs to move his fingers too much left right as the keyboards are quite wide...

X1 has better keyboard than HTC's because it's spacebar is much wider and its keys are more comfortable to use and well spaced too, unlike HTC...

Though I have used better keyboards than P1, like the Moto Q9 and a similar Samsung one, but they were not as compact as P1's keyboard...

As someone said on this forum, those who think P1's keyboard is bad have either not used it or if they have used it, they haven't put in enough efforts to adapt to it... For me it didn't required any effort, I just pressed each button where the letter I wanted to enter was written... Simple...
Posted: 2008-04-09 12:46:17
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