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kylie-g Posts: 7

No, what i meant was,some of these apps are modded 4 certain networks. So, using tricks in the front query (which i hav tried) such as @trick, dot trick and cgi tricks are useless when we try them on ours. For example. Opera mini allows us to add a custom http server. We then add it like this," target="_blank" rel="nofollow]http://[freesite], which is in essence a dot trick. With other apps such as the above mentioned bolt etc, the handler does not allow for the editing of the http server. So whether or not the front query is editable, you wouldnt get far if you cannot even connect to the server...
[ This Message was edited by: kylie-g on 2009-12-27 07:49 ]

Posted: 2009-12-27 08:46:54
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Excalibur69 Posts: > 500

@kylie, would you mind if i ask you what you have typed or entered in the front query of bolt, ucweb, gmaps and the likes? Maybe you have entered it the wrong way. Because if you made your OM run with those tricks, am pretty sure it'll work with other apps.
Posted: 2009-12-27 10:04:26
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Cyborg_a0 Posts: 283

no the apps aren't moded i think the apps are directly from handler.

What is your network? vodacom, Cellc or MTN?
Posted: 2009-12-27 11:20:00
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anningg Posts: 78

kylie is right,am also using the same networks and my ebbudy,migg33,bolt,and ucweb dont work either
Posted: 2009-12-27 11:52:00
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Cyborg_a0 Posts: 283

how about the om?
what trick did you use in your bolt, ucweb?
Maybe you have input 'http://' in the front query, it must not have http://
Posted: 2009-12-27 12:00:00
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kylie-g Posts: 7

Well, i hav been a great visitor to antofungky in the past. And most of his mods are network specific... I hav requested a few times 2 but that didnt work out to great... I too have beem woking on modding his ucweb mod... But to no avail. I'l try bolt today ok?
Posted: 2009-12-27 12:02:04
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Excalibur69 Posts: > 500

@kylie-g, you may try this one in your Bolt or UCWeb:
ip/proxy: or at port 80
in Front Query input this: freesite/cgiproxy/
take note, there's no "http://" in front of the trick...
leave everything as it is...
let's see if it works...
[ This Message was edited by: Excalibur69 on 2009-12-27 11:32 ]

Posted: 2009-12-27 12:30:01
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kylie-g Posts: 7

Hey man. Thanx, but i do know how to apply the tricks. Its not that thats bothering me. In actual fact im sending this post directly from om 4.2 handler... Its the custom http server that maps, aed, bolt and uc web all dont hav a slot 4 a custom http server and neither of them work
Posted: 2009-12-27 14:05:38
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Cyborg_a0 Posts: 283

just type what excalibur had posted, bolt, ucweb, etc are far different from om, in om handler you need to type the server, while bolt, ucweb, etc no need, just only the tricks, its server is already inside the app.
Posted: 2009-12-27 14:20:00
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anningg Posts: 78

i tried it on bolt and it said, sorry due to connectivity issues your last command... thats what i always get
Posted: 2009-12-27 15:13:00
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