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Glyptho Posts: 24

just found this
[ This Message was edited by: Glyptho on 2018-06-27 17:18 ]

Posted: 2018-06-27 18:18:01
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badassmam Posts: > 500

That price is way too high so it is competing with the Note 8 and Note 9, I would 100% get a Note instead of this. 73% screen is not good enough, just 0.1" more than the regular XZ2 yet a few more mm in height and width. They're looking for maximum profit from very few sales. Unless the camera is significantly better than the XZ2, its not worth the price. The side by side comparison with the XZ2 will be very revealing, I believe the daylight shots will be the same and that the night shots only slightly better. Also, why not minimum 128 GB memory? The idea is to download 4K content and watch it on the 4K screen so why cheap out like that? A premium price on a premium device should have a premium design and significant benefits over the XZ2. End of story.
Posted: 2018-06-28 09:26:02
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xpr Posts: 329

XZ2 Premium screen size: 92.7 cm2, 5.8'',16:9
XZ2 screen size: 83.8 cm2, 5.7'', 18:9
Note 8 screen size: 101.1 cm2, 6.3'', 18.5:9

So the difference in screen size is actually much more substantial than just 0.1 inch. Let's not forget that it's also 4k vs FHD.

I suspect the camera will prove to be noticeably superior, especially in low light conditions.
Posted: 2018-06-28 17:22:32
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AlvinZahranM Posts: > 500

Oh wait... So XZ2P's camera app now has a watermark feature like those Chinese phones?
Posted: 2018-06-30 02:24:18
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xperia_sakth Posts: 114

Posted: 2018-07-01 17:54:22
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Glyptho Posts: 24

Here's an interesting article with lot's of pictures samples of XZ2P.
Posted: 2018-07-06 12:52:07
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Vipera ammodytes Posts: > 500

Really bad photos, even at low iso...
Posted: 2018-07-07 13:29:54
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xperia_sakth Posts: 114

More camera sample of XZP2...[....]373@N07/sets/72157698755269415
Posted: 2018-07-08 01:52:39
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moogoo Posts: > 500

maybe i am expecting too much, but i'm not too impressed with the low light photography. i would have expected better clarity. yes, the images are brighter and there is more detail captured. but overall, it's not great for hand held. i'm sure tripod would give better results, but most people aren't gonna whip one out.

I guess i will wait for the next iteration of the dual cam to see how it improves. just seems like they made everything brighter without truly improving the image itself. what is the fusion processor for then?

hopefully better samples will appear once it's actually out, but by now, the software should be as good as finalized.
Posted: 2018-07-08 04:58:07
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Shino03 Posts: > 500

Just checked some photos.
Iso-wise, This phone is a beast. I don't know to you guys but for me, high-iso with this clean shot is better than less-noise images(lower iso-ois combo) but with blurry moving objects at night. (I can't take a damn good blur-free photo with my note 8 at parties )

I don't know but imagine how good these pictures can become at lower iso.

I don't know to you guys, but I'm a fan of the camera but unfortunately not for the whole phone
[ This Message was edited by: Shino03 on 2018-07-10 15:29 ]

Posted: 2018-07-10 16:19:06
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