General discussions : General : Your all going to hate me...
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> Your all going to hate me...
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???? Was the shop run by goldfish? How could they not remember the phone u gave them 20mins ago. Try the same with ur car 2morrow the tell us the dealer lost it then let u choose a new1
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-12-10 01:27:06
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Hey orangeman,that happened to me,but when i went to the doctors to pick up my wife they gave me the receptionist instead! And i got my wife back today! Ay Ay Aaay! ;-)
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-12-10 01:28:31
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you were just lucky kylie minogue works reception at your doctor's surgery
Posted: 2003-12-10 01:30:01
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Thats damn lucky and unlucky boyi
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-12-10 01:31:54
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I said that not boyi. Esato is going weird again:-D
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-12-10 01:38:10
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Not again! :-)
This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2003-12-10 01:38:44
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what's going on here?
Posted: 2003-12-10 01:41:11
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@gelfen, "oh the humanity", in my opinion was the single most funniest line/airship disaster reference of the entire Simpsons series.
Posted: 2003-12-10 02:01:27
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@ knut:
boy you really are a nut aren't you? if you really knew anything, of anything, you would know that the T630 comes with a built in flash on the back of the phone. But I guess num-nuts like you don't know shit. Talking about phone shortages and what not, you have no clue what your talking about, and not knowing the T630 comes with a flash proves it. Sorry to say, your just not informed enough to decide whether someone is telling the truth or not. FYI Go f**k yourself.
Posted: 2003-12-10 02:05:15
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ooohhhhh diddy!!!! you just bit yourself in the ass hard!
THERE IS NO BUILT IN FLASH FOR THE T630. nowhere is such a thing mentioned, not on the
website, not on the preview websites (mobileburn, threegmobile, gsmarena, etc.). IT'S A MIRROR. you can see the reflection in the picture below.
why else would it be compatible with MPF-10?
Posted: 2003-12-10 02:23:55
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