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> A couple of my mates. Meet JasJar and K-Jam (many pics)
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Hello All,
This is a post on the subject of ringtones on the JasJar
(O2 Xda Exec version)
Where are they kept?
I've included some *.mp3 & *.wma files in the Windows Directory on the Phone/device, but they aren't seen by the OS.
When you come to assigne a ringtone to a contact all I see are the ones that are already there and not my additions - Has any one else managed to achieve this simple task? - If so how?
btw I got my "monster" from O2 for £150.00 with a 12 month contract and £50.00 cheque/back after the first month - All for £40.00 a month (with insurance) - this includes so many minutes/texts at least I'll never get a nasty bill!
That very nice O2 man said that all the UK networks wouldn't be processing the PAC's till the 9th of Jan - What a bummer!
... Was with Orange for seven years - They've mucked me about for the last time ... and no offers! cos I wanted to leave! - So sod em'
Anyhow - during my play period I put the Orange Sim into the "monster" to get of all the phone numbers and guess what! -
It works on the Orange Network?! - Go figure?
The other software that comes with the O2 Xda Exec is :-
"GPRS Monitor", "ClearVue PDF viewer" & a "Wireless Modem USB driver"
This information might be of some use - after reading the previous posts.
Rgds - Terry
Posted: 2005-12-29 13:28:50
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Hello ALL,
"find - o2 xda exec ringtones"
If anyone now is reading this thread - which I doubt! - cos its old!
"I suspect - o2 xda exec ringtones"
Ringtones are created by TAP & HOLD on any *.wav file held on the phone. Get the RING of Circles around the file ...
(It's the equivilant of a right click with a mouse)
... Select the "add to ring tones" option on the popup menu - a copy is placed in the "/windows/ring" folder on the phone - so I sumise that you can simply place a *.wav files there to get the same effect!? - dunno!
Use the "notes" programme It's better at displaying sound files than the included "file manager" ... just an observation!
"well - o2 xda exec ringtones"
The three copies of "o2 xda exec ringtones" will push this thread near the top of google listings - which is where I originally found this discussion of the "o2 xda exec" and btw - that sinches it?
RGDS - Terry
Posted: 2005-12-31 08:50:17
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hey masseur, great review
at first i wasn't interested in the k-jam
but now i'm seriously considering it, that or the upcoming jamin (prophet)
i really want built-in wifi which my jam doesn't offer
you think i should upgrade to the k-jam? i've heard lots of mixed reviews, it's either they love it or hate it, and a lot have said the build quality is bad such as the keyboard losing that click sound when it locks into position, broken stylus silos, and paint coming off keys
Posted: 2006-01-15 20:59:37
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I can honestly say that the k-jam is the best mobile device I have ever had. I use mine many hours a day and my keyboard still clicks, my stylus silo is fine and I've just been around the k-jam (and keyboard) with a magnifying glass and see none of that paint loss.
I'd still choose the k-jam over the jamin mostly because of the fantastic keyboard. I tried many keyboard attachments on previous pocket pc/windows mobile devices but got fed up carrying them around separately. Having it all in one package is great, and I am very fast on the keyboard now.
comparing them, they both have 802.11g, both quadband with Edge. Tha Jamin does have a 2mp camera vs k-jam 1.3mp, it also has 128mb ram vs 64mb and takes standard SD compared with mini SD
there's not alot of difference in size and the extra RAM really doesn't make that much difference as I install most stuff to SD anyway leaving plenty of free RAM.
I did use a Sandisk wifi SD card in my jam and it worked perfectly well so if you are happy with your Jam maybe thats all you need as they are quite cheap on ebay
Posted: 2006-01-15 21:12:24
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just got my jasjar last week and my gosh is it amazing
that screen is the best i have ever seen on a mobile device.
only thing i have noticed is you cant personilise the SMS alert tone to any wav file?
Posted: 2006-01-25 10:58:35
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oh yes you can...
just copy the wav file to the windows folder
if you have the sounds and notifications settings open you will need to close it by clicking ok and open it again for the new wav file to be seen
Posted: 2006-01-25 11:22:30
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ahhh excellent work masseur
can have my orange lady now then "you have one new message"
like home from home, its magic.
Posted: 2006-01-25 11:29:13
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stop it... you're making me miss mine
it is an excellent device and for me the screen is second only to my old ipaq 4700, but I'll be interested in your feedback on the battery life (oh no!, I sound like boba now!) but I did find it sucked battery compared to the k-jam when doing the same tasks
Posted: 2006-01-25 11:34:49
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hahah masseur, dont even aks about the batt life!
if i get more thab about 12 hours use of it im happy!
but saying that i do use approx 150-200 mins a day and about 100 sms and the you have wifi/web etc!
Posted: 2006-01-25 12:02:20
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i thought the prophet had the same ram and rom as the jam?
heh, okay that helped me decide, thanks
i'll get a wizard as soon as i can afford it
i have the 256 + wifi sandisk card, but i don't always carry the card with me when i want to use it
now the question is should i get the k-jam or the qtek 9100 version?
[ This Message was edited by: JwY on 2006-01-28 17:48 ]
Posted: 2006-01-28 18:47:40
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