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> Nokia N70 Review (56k warning)
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those aren't official housings though are they?
Posted: 2005-11-24 19:28:41
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500
looks official to me,its got the nokia logo and N70 on it
Posted: 2005-11-24 19:34:25
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, i emailed them, they're not official fascias.
The only official ones released by Nokia are the silver, silver and black, and ivory. (there are rumours of a teal one too)
Posted: 2005-11-24 19:59:01
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Very nice review -- i have had my eye on the N70 for a while now, but this review really helped me decide!
Just one question: I was just reading about the N70 on Nokia.com and noticed that it doesnt say that it has video calling/sharing, like the 6680.... (though, it doesn't say that it doesn't have it....)
Is anybody able to answer my question; Is the N70 a 3G phone with video calling/sharing like the Nokia 6680?
You can contact me by either PM'ing me or @
Patrick.Nilson@gmail.com or
paddY-13@hotmail.com... I really wanna know!
I have been having trouble deciding on which one to buy, the N70 or the 6680....Suggestions?
[ This Message was edited by: =Edge= on 2005-11-25 08:12 ]
Posted: 2005-11-25 07:32:19
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it's a 3g phone, video calling, video sharing and much better build quality in my opinion that a 6880, although I liked the pad on the 6880 more because it was smoother.
(i hated the tacking painted chrome though)
Posted: 2005-11-25 15:56:29
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Wow! I guess I did not make a mistake getting this phone which will be delivered a week from now
This review even convinced me more that the phone is indeed aesthetically wonderful and worth it's price. I was really holding on to buying a new phone because I'm really looking forward to getting the N80. But what the heck, I could have this and the N80!

Thanks Amnesia, for a detailed review!
Posted: 2005-11-30 21:35:42
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amnesia, nice review mate
Posted: 2005-11-30 21:47:51
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my pleasure.
However dont forget there are a few kinks with the firmware, just make sure you have the latest.
Posted: 2005-12-02 00:38:21
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last week i had finally the chance to test n70. well, next to the 0.7 mp differences at the cam compared to 6680, i didnt find any advantage between the 2 fones. its weird, that at the cardslot that plastic piece is on a rubber holder when i open it. have to admit, that i made very serous thoughts to go for it, but now the magic has gone, i keep rather 6680 and wait for n80. @threex was right, when he told me, that the keypad is so small. i dont have big fingers, bur that n70 keypad is very uncomforteable. at least nokia should have let some "space" between the buttons.
Posted: 2005-12-02 08:49:09
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I have ordered the N70 and it should be arriving in the morning and really looking forward to getting it (although i wanted a moto V3X but it will only be released unbranded next year and couldn't wait). I was wondering if anyone knew of a PTT or Poc (might both be the same thing) client that would work both on a series 60 (N70) and a UIQ (p900) phone?
Posted: 2005-12-21 18:08:03
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