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> OEM Sony Ericsson T68i faceplates for sale
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Thanks Shima..nice doing buisness with you. I'll be waiting for the cover....make sure you pack them well so they don't break during shipping!
Posted: 2002-12-16 20:51:00
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I pack my faceplates into a softpak envelope and a box.
They are 99% safe. But on the other hand I got DOA
Posted: 2002-12-16 21:21:00
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Just wanted to let everybody here know that I'm
dropping prices down for a holiday season!
You can buy Original Brand New faceplates (Arctic Blue & Mineral Grey) at the rate of
$30 + shipping.
Happy Holidays !
[ This Message was edited by: Shima on 2002-12-23 06:28 ]
Posted: 2002-12-23 07:26:00
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Could ya post a pic of all colours of faceplates you offer, thanx.
I got an original T68i cover at the moment, and I notice the leather case leaves marks around the buttons, and I've only had it a week!!! I may return it and get a standard T68 upgraded
Posted: 2002-12-23 20:36:00
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look on the first two pages of this thread.
I don't know how to attach a picture here.
Or let us see yours!
Merry Christmas!
Posted: 2002-12-24 17:53:00
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Mineral Gray and Adriatic Blue appear very similar to eachother
To attach images to a post, first upload the images somewhere, and then encase the image url with [img]...[/img] example... [img]http://esato.com/fone.jpg[/img]
Please attach an image of all colours you supply. Also, price to UK, original SE covers is possible
Thanx :)
Posted: 2002-12-24 20:04:00
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Arctic blue is really starting to bother me now, and I've only had the phone a few days. It is in a leather case, yet the front of the phone is already starting to pick up unremovable marks on the front, especially around the buttons, hence the wanting of a new cover.
My handset was replaced today as my old one was dropping signal. Weirdly, the staff somehow managed to give me the faulty T68i i returned a week ago, so I am still in the dark.
Someone out there with with Luna Grey front tell me what they think of it in comparison with the T68i's colour
adriatic blue in stock yet???
Posted: 2002-12-25 05:12:00
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On 2002-12-24 20:04, LadFromWales85 wrote:
Mineral Gray and Adriatic Blue appear very similar to eachother
I beg to disagree, but that's just me.

Adriatic Blue is very different. I've compared the two coz my friend has the Mineral Gray while I have the Adriatic Blue.
Posted: 2002-12-25 07:59:00
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Must have just been poor photo quality.
Where did you get your adriatic blue!!!!
Can you point me in the direction to get hold of one plzzzz, and if poss, a pic of it, does it have silver spkr grill?
My current T68i is nackered, i took my 2nd one back as it was faulty, and the shop somehow managed to give me my 1st one back!
Refund and off to another store me finks. Is there any point buying a T68i, or should I just get a T68 with latest firmware, there is no hardware difference right?
I am tempted to change the faceplate as soon as I get the phone, but I am weary
[ This Message was edited by: LadFromWales85 on 2002-12-25 10:48 ]
Posted: 2002-12-25 11:42:00
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I don't have the Adriatic Blues,
The grill is blue like on Arctic Blue, and the 'body' is kinda bluyish too. Its not a mix of Mineral Grey and Arctic Blue for sure.
Adriatic Blues are mostly made for US/Canada, thats why I don't have them.
Merry Christmas!
Sony Ericsson T68i faceplates (Original OEM) for sale @ ONLY $30/piece.
shima_gd@yahoo.com[ This Message was edited by: Shima on 2002-12-25 20:48 ]
Posted: 2002-12-25 21:47:00
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