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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

On 2004-09-13 12:13:17, bart wrote:
he's a true /// him self

that poor man.

notwithstanding that somebody trusted you (a schoolboy) with his R&D info (which I find somewhat hard to believe) he could have gotten fired for that.

You bragging about it could also have gotten him fired. All in all it sounds rather dodgy imho.
Posted: 2004-09-13 13:00:18
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methylated_spirit Posts: > 500

Unless its his dad...
Posted: 2004-09-13 13:16:09
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

my dad works at a bank
do you really believe that he informed us of every clients credits and liabilities? OF COURSE NOT!

If Ericsson really had a few high placed officials that blabbered away to anybody and everybody, in a world where industrial espionage is more than just a myth........ they were in deeper trouble than i realised.
Posted: 2004-09-13 13:18:48
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Happened what happened, /// will never make mob fones again. If se will in the future, we ll see. Anyway, there is an /// museum in sweden, not sure if sony, se whatever will have one. Thats all i can say, thx for the discussion, its a nice thread. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-13 13:31:13
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Krubach Posts: > 500

I've been reading this thread and this is worse than a Nokia-SE flaming war.

IMO, and I repeat, IMO, SE was a smart move from both companies.
Ericsson was THE most technologically advanced among GSM manufacturers and Sony was the most technologically advanced among Media manufacturers and they realised that MEDIA was the future of GSM so, again, they did a smart move.

I was a /// fan (@Vlamm: the three bars resemble the Ericsson logo, that's why they're used...) but i must admit that i didn't like the design much (from the models that were out, not prototypes, 'cause i don't have any inside info... ) although they were great phones. The R380 was a step forward in business phones.

Sony had an OK design (there were no great designs in the past, for me all phones were ugly...) and some media features (pics and sound features, etc...) and were very good phones.

And i admit, i'm a Nokia hater. Don't ask me why, i just can't stand Nokia. It's something from the heart
Posted: 2004-09-13 13:49:19
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bart Posts: > 500

there are so many ericsson bosses that love ericsson its hard to find the right one

eu sony's first european phone hit the market in 1997
sony made 13 phones for the european market before SE was made
sony products didn't sell well because of low demand, poor advertising, designs not catching the eye and most of all limited supply
Posted: 2004-09-13 13:51:40
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methylated_spirit Posts: > 500

It was the design that caught my eye, but you are right about the marketing, they should have marketed it a lot better.
Posted: 2004-09-13 13:57:34
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


I really do not mean to get onto you, I really am genuinely interested, but I have to admit that I tend to agree with Vlamm when she says that she finds it hard to believe that someone in a position of authority at Ericsson would have revealed industrial secrets to you. Why would this person give such confidential information to you?


I agree with methylated_spirit with regards to the appeal of Sony mobile phones, I genuinely liked the designs. I'm not quite sure why there seems to be an 'argument' here, both Sony and Ericsson had flaws with regards to mobile phones, but I believe they have managed to combine the best points of both companies. I don't think Ericsson was ever a major force in the UK at any rate, mind you, neither was Sony. Perhaps I am wrong, but I can't ever recall many people with either Sony or Ericsson phones.
I would seriously doubt whether Ericsson will ever make mobile phones as an independent company again, the future is very much SonyEricsson.
Posted: 2004-09-13 17:18:54
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bart Posts: > 500

getting info from people is hard, but info for info always works. i can't tell how i work to get info from people. its a trade secret
i know its hard to believe, but i'm not the only one who's rather young that can get his hands on some special info.
Posted: 2004-09-13 17:29:23
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draak1 Posts: 193

Guys,Sony need Ericsson for IP patentie somthing like that and Ericsson was almost bankrupt in Mobile branche sector,not whole Ericsson as a company.

Ericsson's mobile/telecom division dind't sell much,that is reason why Ericsson has some problems and for that Ericsson chooce for the Telecom division in order to save.

And what Bart said about R&D,yes he has richt about that.

Eveyting is going wrong sinds the introduce of the Euro and a weak Dollar.

Posted: 2004-09-13 18:34:47
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