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therealdeal Posts: 5

Is there any way u can browse for free without using proxies or opera??i'm having a phone that can't download applications. It's a mass produc. type phone so no brand name. im from nigeria
Posted: 2009-03-18 19:04:54
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therealdeal Posts: 5

@dev 31
are all these proxies still working?cos i wanna try them here in nigeria
Posted: 2009-03-20 19:23:28
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abdo Posts: 40

Plz friends .can s.1 tel me how can i know the subdomaine of my urls when i been browsing to free gprs. S.time i have free acces and i dont know why .plz help me

This message was posted from a SGH-E250
Posted: 2009-03-20 19:58:23
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Rossoneri4 Posts: 9

What is your phone make and model
Posted: 2009-03-21 03:06:34
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KPSN Posts: 2

Hi friends, I am from India. Using opera mini-4.2 very well in sonyericson, my internet provider-BSNL-india, port- 8080
As suggested, I replaced the porxy in internet setting &changes made in operamini setting .it works , but i am not able to browse on default browser,since it demand entry pass word .
pl help me

Posted: 2009-03-27 17:16:58
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aloukay Posts: 192

Im trying to use opera mini mode 2.06 but i dont know how to configure it can any help i dont have a free access i can just brows a few sites for free like (provider wap site) is there any way i can get into google for free this is my setting homepage: apn: proxy: port:8080 if any one can help me get free access to google or set opera mini mode 2.06

This message was posted from a 6111
Posted: 2009-03-27 20:29:51
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aloukay Posts: 192

Hey i need some help here

This message was posted from a 6111
Posted: 2009-03-28 23:08:32
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jayminmedina Posts: 94

i'm not sure but you can try using these URLs to browse google:
Posted: 2009-03-30 07:15:47
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aloukay Posts: 192

Thanks im gonna try them right now and tell if it worked

This message was posted from a 6111
Posted: 2009-03-30 10:27:22
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jayminmedina Posts: 94

try first if you can browse "" for free. then proceed with URLs i gave..

if those didn't work, try changing "" with other free sites that you can browse for free.
Posted: 2009-03-30 10:59:01
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