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Memzee Posts: 399

vanquish - thankyou.

wapchimp, people that have more than 500 posts on here are usually people that should be respected. From what I've seen you post so far in this thread, I'd hate to see what the other 500+ were like.

Don't mean to be offensive, but.. well.
Posted: 2004-12-09 22:40:02
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

what do u mean. I'm just posting pics of phones, like other people on this thread!

Your resident wap guru (and chimp)

[ This Message was edited by: wapchimp on 2004-12-09 22:17 ]
Posted: 2004-12-09 23:02:48
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

[ This Message was edited by: wapchimp on 2005-03-12 17:56 ]
Posted: 2004-12-10 00:48:17
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Sutitan Posts: 327

It doesnt look like the same thing...
Posted: 2004-12-10 01:58:02
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

look at the keyboard above -now in this pic - they are identical
Posted: 2004-12-10 02:02:42
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yoshi77 Posts: 81

@ wapchimp no, i dont think its the same either. Like I said in your thread, the phone being discussed in this thread is Clara, not Kristina. Please correct me if im wrong though

[ This Message was edited by: yoshi77 on 2004-12-10 01:13 ]
Posted: 2004-12-10 02:10:55
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Memzee Posts: 399

wapchimp - Kristina is a low end phone, and that last picture that you posted clearly has a screen that's square, as in 128*128 or something like that. Also, the 2 button is not curved as with Clara, and all of the rest of the buttons are not as tightly packed, or even the same shape.
Posted: 2004-12-10 08:20:30
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Memzee Posts: 399

Quote: what do u mean. I'm just posting pics of phones, like other people on this thread!
Yes, but they're either irrelevant, or you have no explaination of what they are.

The one you posted which is a combination of the two is just the first picture I provided cut and pasted on the other one. One sentence explaining your source or what it is just stops people getting the wrong idea and specculating etc.
Posted: 2004-12-10 08:25:16
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jontyf Posts: 468

Ok ok, everyone take a chill pill...
Dont want this thread closed
Everybody is entitled to post their pictures
The buttons are way differant and are not the same phone
Posted: 2004-12-10 09:18:00
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Yazan24 Posts: > 500

Looks like a Renewed T310, Which is definately not what I want to see.
Posted: 2004-12-10 09:41:57
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