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@RickyD i totally forgot about the web version of the market. i did a search and the poweramp page says it is incompatible with my phone. what the freak is that? I hope this isn't some bullshit AT&T mod to the network that's making this all happen.... i'll be pissed.
I just downloaded the apk from an app forum for now...thanks for the help.
Posted: 2011-06-12 19:16:36
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Flashed my phone back to stock 2.1 and keenly awaiting some Gingerbread
Posted: 2011-06-13 10:30:05
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Hey Guys!!!
Its been almost a week since i got my hands on my White X10. The phone is very good, UI is fast and smooth with minimal LAGS and no restarts. Have faced only one issue. My EDGE Data signal dropped completely for a couple of times. I mean the E symbol with up and down arrows in the notification bar disappears and there is no EDGE data connectivity anywhere across apps and browser. I was able to fix this issue only after the phone restart. Anybody else has similar issues?
And secondly can anybody recommend a good GPS app with offline maps for India preferably free.Or is there any was i can download the google maps to my phone and use them for GPS navigation?
Posted: 2011-06-13 14:10:55
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Must say, i'm tempted to the same...actualy ive been flipping between for some weeks now, i load the SE 2.1 ROM and absolutely enjoy good batt life, then flip back to Wolfbreak's 2.2 and enjoy the speed, Flash10.3 etc... and it goes on and on almost every week lol.
Posted: 2011-06-13 15:51:07
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@Tsepz You want crazy battery life.Try the Gingerbread CM7.0.3 After 14 hours of use I still had 50% battery life left.Couldnt believe my eyes.

Gonna stay on the stock 2.1 until they release Gingerbread.Im all set to go.
[ This Message was edited by: Hobbs on 2011-06-13 20:02 ]
Posted: 2011-06-13 21:00:54
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I got a question about Wisepilot, Sony Ericsson Navigation software.
anyone ever use it? Ever since I had my phone I never used it, and now it's over the free trial. I recently checked it out and it offered some maps for purchase and download. Does this means it would work without internet services? I really would like a GPS Navigation software on my phone that doesn't require Mobile internet.
Posted: 2011-06-14 02:13:51
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Stock 2.1 is killing me.Been a bit spoilt with custom ROMS.Hope this Gingerbread is zippy or it looks like its back to XDA for me.
Posted: 2011-06-15 08:37:26
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5 and a half hours and my battery is down to 66%.WTF! Don't remember it ever been this bad.
Posted: 2011-06-15 11:31:23
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Come on SE. Give us the GB. DON'T even dare do a HTC on us like they did with the Desire.
Posted: 2011-06-15 11:37:03
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According to holck on swedroid he has spoken to 2 from SE and they said the Gingerbread is finished for X10I they only waiting for approval and making kits. thought you that believe in me would like to know, for you that don't believe in my please don't bother to replay to my post. Just wait and see!
^ From XDA:
Guy seems to be reliable, cant wait til next week!
Posted: 2011-06-15 12:27:30
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