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Great stuff! That's something to look forward to. It should give it a whole new lease of life.
Posted: 2011-06-15 15:01:11
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Latest Xperia X10 UAProf highlights Gingerbread could be coming very soon
Posted: 2011-06-15 16:31:55
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On 2011-06-15 11:37:03, goldenface wrote:
Come on SE. Give us the GB. DON'T even dare do a HTC on us like they did with the Desire.
HTC have now changed their minds
Posted: 2011-06-15 19:39:49
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Lets hope Tsepz that turns out to be true
Posted: 2011-06-15 22:02:02
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Anyone here knows a good GPS Navigation apps for Xperia x10 that works offline, no need for internet?
also, does Xperia x10 support 4G?
[ This Message was edited by: Big_D on 2011-06-16 01:06 ]
Posted: 2011-06-16 01:40:40
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Locus Pro and CoPilot Live both offer Offline navigation ,you'll find both in Android Market.
Nope, none of the X10 variants do 4G.
Posted: 2011-06-16 03:10:51
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On 2011-06-13 14:10:55, emzee_ali wrote:
My EDGE Data signal dropped completely for a couple of times. I mean the E symbol with up and down arrows in the notification bar disappears and there is no EDGE data connectivity anywhere across apps and browser. I was able to fix this issue only after the phone restart. Anybody else has similar issues?
And secondly can anybody recommend a good GPS app with offline maps for India preferably free.Or is there any was i can download the google maps to my phone and use them for GPS navigation?
Anybody know how to fix this Issue without restarting the phone?
Posted: 2011-06-16 13:34:52
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I'd suggest either putting your phone in Flight Mode for a few seconds then take it off Flight Mode again, or download new network settings in Settings -Sony Ericsson -Settings download as maybe they are wrong, it will take off the EDGE connection for a few seconds when doing that and then come back.
Posted: 2011-06-16 13:44:00
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On 2011-06-16 13:44:00, Tsepz_GP wrote:
I'd suggest either putting your phone in Flight Mode for a few seconds then take it off Flight Mode again, or download new network settings in Settings -Sony Ericsson -Settings download as maybe they are wrong, it will take off the EDGE connection for a few seconds when doing that and then come back.
Thanks for the suggestions Tsepz_GP. I'll try them both the next time my EDGE signal goes off and see which one works. Thanks again.
Posted: 2011-06-16 15:10:11
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I just got out of work and was on my way home. I thought of trying out the Navigation app (the blue arrow) on my Xperia x10. I have no Mobile internet service with my network. I turned on my GPS, and it actually was able to track me. There were an accurate overheard (satellite image) of where I'm at and the direction I'm going. Unfortunately there is no street names, area names, or even search/destination options, assuming it took wayyy to long to load, i'm guessing it doesn't have it.
So now that I know GPS works with the Navigation, but not any maps, because it uses Google Maps for that, and Google Maps needs internet connections (mobile internet network). Is there a way to download and save (Google) maps into phone/sd and use with with Navigation app offline?
Posted: 2011-06-17 00:02:59
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