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I hear you. X!0's stock 2.1 is pretty crap compared to the custom ROMs I tried. Have you played with an arc handset? If 0 was yendo and arc is 10 I'd rate X10 stock as a 4 and X10 CM7 a 6. arc makes them similarly slow with the only difference being a smoothness factor in CM7.
I'm turning my X10 into a linux server now. For small development on the go without having to setup an entire environment when I go to a new location or PC.
Posted: 2011-06-20 09:00:55
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@Ricky d.unfortunitely not.haven't seen them in any of our stores yet but should be coming soon.when it does arrive I'll let you know what I think of it.
so what does setting up a Linux server on the x10 entail?
[ This Message was edited by: Hobbs on 2011-06-20 10:11 ]
Posted: 2011-06-20 11:00:17
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can you post the link that you have downloaded the rom from?
i have searched the xda and could not decide which one to download
thank you in advance
Posted: 2011-06-20 14:55:19
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Posted: 2011-06-20 15:28:49
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Blog post: SE also confirms no 16M colours, no unlocked bootloader and no multitouch for X10 Gingerbread update
Posted: 2011-06-20 16:05:17
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pre-final version looks pretty snappy.. of course he probably has zero apps installed. but with the apps to SD, that won't really make a difference anyway.
can't wait! Too bad they pushed back the timelime to august!!
Posted: 2011-06-20 16:26:38
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August no no no nooooooo!

[ This Message was edited by: Hobbs on 2011-06-20 17:41 ]
Posted: 2011-06-20 18:40:50
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CyanogenMod 7.0.3 FINAL
CM7.0.3 J022 K011 Thread (Jerpelea)
!release_CM7.0.3_J022_K011.7z | 142.5 MB Download link
Everything works perfectly except the camera which is still a work in progress.
[ This Message was edited by: Hobbs on 2011-06-20 18:17 ]
Posted: 2011-06-20 19:11:18
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hey hobbs thanks for the link,but i think i cant live without a camera on my phone so i'm going to wait for the official upgrade,so far I'm enjoying this x10,sold my blackberry 9800 after one week and decided to keep the x10 for the last few months.Besides the emailing,this thing is years ahead of the 9800!
I dont know why gsm arena etc jump for the galaxy s as it really lacks the looks and build quality of the x10...and they keep on going on about viewing angles on the screen,my question is who sits at a 120degree angle away from their phone when in use?
Hobbs is there no way to use the cynogen mod and standard 2.1 on a dual boot maybe just to try it out?
Posted: 2011-06-20 21:49:07
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Damaged my usb port, so how do I fix it? Probably out of one year warranty already, but how much cost to fix with SE? Is there a do-it-yourself guide?
I can't charge anymore, but I can use a external charger, but I really would like to get it fix.
[ This Message was edited by: Big_D on 2011-06-20 22:27 ]
Posted: 2011-06-20 22:02:22
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