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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : z1010 black display!
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megah Posts: 16

The displayon my z1010 is black, i can see that there are some lightning that happends when i press a button on the phone..
Anyone that got the same problem?
I can make calls but i can't see anything in the display
Maybe i can make a hard reset of the phone??? How?

Posted: 2005-08-16 10:06:07
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batesie Posts: > 500

hi there, do you mean the backlight is off, and you can see the menu's? sounds like you should take it into a Service Centre
Posted: 2005-08-16 10:12:10
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megah Posts: 16

I can't see anything in the display. When i push anyu button it seams like there is some backlight turning on.

I think i will go and buy a new phone

Posted: 2005-08-18 16:15:43
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

Sounds a bit like a screen problem - could be something fairly simple like the connector that connects the screen part of the phone to the PCB part, or it could mean a new screen!

It would involve taking the phone apart to sort this, so it may be best to take it to a service centre if you aren't confident in taking the phone apart yourself
Posted: 2005-08-18 23:36:58
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teesiong25 Posts: 64

HI , i need help from everybody over here . I hope that i can get some reply over here .

Before i upgrade my phone - Z1010 , i can turn off the sound , but after i upgrade it . Huh !!! Even yuou put silent , you still can here the fxxking sound . Damm!!!!!

I know this question had been bring up so many times , but still can't get an actual answer .

The other question are , what type of cable i can use to do online upgrade at ? Can i use the old type cable like for T68i ? Or can i use P800's Docking Station to do it ? Or that site just without any upgrading service for Z1010 .

I do hope someone can answer my above mention question . Million thanks to you all .

Posted: 2005-09-09 06:13:21
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Residentevil Posts: > 500

Is there a display contrast setting?
Posted: 2005-09-09 06:47:41
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