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i guys,
I'm looking for suggestions on which phone to choose - bearing in mind that i live in Australia and not all models are available here.
Basically, I want a color screen, true tones/mp3 ringtones, and bluetooth.
I have a digital camera, so don't need a phone that has one, but I don't care if the phone does have one. Same as mp3s. I won't use a phone for mp3s, but don't care if it plays them.
I currently have a SE k700i, and I like it but i've had it for more than a year now and I want a new phone!
Before that I had the Motorola e398, SE T610, Samsung T100, and my first one was Nokia 3310.
All of these phones I've liked except the Nokia. I just haven't found a Nokia that is good yet.
So hit me! What do you recommend??
I've been looking at O2 xphone2s and iMate smartphone3 too... I like the shape and size of them, and the look if that's any guide. I am considering the k750i however haven't been "sold" on it yet, cause it's really just a camera, isn't it?
Posted: 2005-08-19 16:39:45
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graceless welcome to esato.
Just one word for ya mate.. K750i.
True is basically a good camera but its also a very good phone.
Posted: 2005-08-19 16:45:50
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The K750i is a K700 with a much better camera, expandable memory and more, so if you liked the K700 you'll like the K750i!!!
Posted: 2005-08-19 16:51:10
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are you looking for smarthphone features like the ones you stated or will it be just be for normal phone usage?
Posted: 2005-08-19 16:54:00
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Thanks for the welcome. I've been coming here for ages (having had a few SEs in the past) but never posted until now.
I did like the k700i, but a lot of things also pissed me off. I found the hardware was lacking a little in quality. The joystick lost most of it's movement and ability within 6 months (and I treat my phones nice!). I also found that the screens and front plates with more flimsy than they looked, and gouges were common. In 12 months, I've gone though 5 faceplates and I always keep my phone in a mobile sock, or a leather holster.
The "camera" annoyed me the most with the K700i. It suddenly doesn't let me zoom at all, and the photos were so average - resulting in me buying a digicam. And why I don't like the idea of all these hybrid phone/cameras... if attention is being divided between both aspects, surely there has to be some loss in quality.
I found with the k700i it was really buggy - froze a lot - sometimes requiring me to take out the battery just to turn it off. I never fully got bluetooth working properly. It was a LOT easier on the T610 than on the K700i. I did not once get infrared to work on the k700i either.
Finally, I found the menus to be amazingly slow. As was the sms screen.. there was almost a lag between typing and it appearing on screen.
Don't get me wrong.. I am still a big fan of SE, and whether my next phone is an SE or not, they'll still be my favorite brand.
I just feel at this point in time they don't have any model phones that are suitable for me.
Posted: 2005-08-19 17:01:49
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