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Market : Accessories for sale : Infrared Header Anyone? (ph)
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NokiaKilla Posts: 129

I use IRDA for my R520m it works fine in any way.. very easy to install because it is plugNplay. You only have to change your com2 to HPIR and the software will install for you (Win98+). Compatible with any phones with Infrared. I sell this for only P1,000 ($20) I have two units left. Philippines, Manila only

If you want a better connection with your phone I suggest you to buy a Bluetooth from MSI. You can buy this for P2,500.00 at PC Express in Gilmore St. Q.C.

Please contact me if you want the IRDA Header
(09172504825) Philippines

I have tested the two connection, it works fine for me, but for IR you have to align the IRDA and the phone, unlike Bluetooth as long as you are in range (because it uses 2.4 GHz frequency) you have the connection.

[ This Message was edited by: NokiaKilla on 2002-09-01 10:25 ]

[ This Message was edited by: GOwin on 2002-09-01 14:42 ]
Posted: 2002-09-01 11:19:00
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