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Nokia N90 review
First of all I must to say that this not a regular review and I’m not going to write long piece, with lots of useless technical information. This is just a short user opinion based on my huge experience with Symbian phones, which I have used since the first models of Nokia’s 7650.
I hope it will clear some doubts and to help other users to decide whether it is worth buying or not. Also, please keep in mind that this review is based on final handset, not on preproduction models like on some web sites.
It was love at first sight; the phone looks impressive in every segment, a technically superb device that caused a ‘wow effect’ from me and my friends. All of them, even a few hardcore SE fan.. ...
Read more, photos, screens, etc:
Nokia N90 -:- Huge mobile evolution, user review - full story & photos
Sincerely yours,
[ This Message was edited by: Apocalypso™ on 2005-10-12 07:42 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Apocalypso™ on 2005-10-12 07:42 ]
[ This Message was edited by: laffen on 2005-11-06 21:55 ]
Posted: 2005-10-12 08:39:16
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I have to admit that this looks like a very good phone, excellent specs.
I also like the design.
Posted: 2005-10-12 11:16:39
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Well it is, extremely good hardware, (fast processor, huge amount of available RAM & built in memory along with hotswappable MMC cards), great display ( there is nothing similar in the mobile world at the moment, I can’t find right words to describe it, you need to see it ) nad after all it is a Smartphone with all benefits that comes with it and all available 3rd party software…
Posted: 2005-10-13 08:51:12
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Ok..But fact remains its still 2 big.
Posted: 2005-10-13 10:10:08
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Agree on amazing display, other than that it´s still a woefully under-engined laggy S60 device. I mean, come on! Give the poor thing a PDA spec CPU to rid it once and for all of the (in)famous S60 lag.
I have 6680 myself, which as far as i understand is considered a pretty fast S60 device? Well it´s doing my head in with it´s hesitation everywhere in the UI/menus, and don´t even get me started on bootup time..
Also i don´t find N90 price-worthy but that´s just me of course..
Posted: 2005-10-13 10:24:53
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As the title of this thread, I agree that N90 is huge... in size and price...
Why Nokia can't make the phone smaller?
And why the price is so huge? (Even N90 is more expensive than current price of 9500...)
If the price of N90 is so expensive, how about the price of N91 and the trio E's series will be?
Is that the reason why the launch of N91 is postponed to next year?
If only there is a Nokia smartphone with the size as small as K750, I think I'll consider to have it one...
Posted: 2005-10-13 10:42:37
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K750 is java, right?
This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2005-10-13 11:15:05
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the n91 is delayed until 06 because of DRM apparently, nto sure if this is confirmed or if its just what the rumour mill came out with.
oh and whilst im bored at work, i found this earlier... n90 related[....]=136&mode=flat&order=1&thold=0[ This Message was edited by: hamish2k on 2005-10-13 12:07 ]
Posted: 2005-10-13 13:06:08
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Nokia N90 RM-42 MCU SW v 2.0530.3.5 to v 3.0535.4.3 [/color]
New firmware version for Nokia N90 is officiali released.
Firmware 3.0535.4.3 will be available progressively in the next few days in the Nokia Point and Nokia Service Point the new updating for Nokia N90 that should improve further the performance of the Smartphone.
Read more in short the bulletin of the changes issued from Nokia.
Changes/improvements from MCU SW v 2.0530.3.5 to v 3.0535.4.3
Call and network management
- Video Sharing support now more than 1 PDP context, previously context was killed if reserved
- DTMF is now enabled during video telephony also in imaging mode
- Intermit ....
Read more:
Nokia N90 :: MCU SW v3.0535.4.3 - full story & photos
Sincerely yours,
Apoc ft Kuwait73
Posted: 2005-10-17 11:15:05
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