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General discussions : Rumours : To all S700i users: W900 attack
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bucheral Posts: 488

Is the new W900 what the S700i should have been? I love my S700i but the W900 does everything better: it has the same screen, better camera, UMTS, Walkman, real Internet Browser......oh dear....
Posted: 2005-10-17 15:24:31
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nlhall Posts: 114

well.... i am due for a new phone, had my s700i for 12months and love it, but keen on any of the current SE phones, my wife got the k750, i like it but its missing something and its not for me... was holding out and hoping!!! then WOW w900i...

this is so much going to be my next phone!

hope its not long till its available.

does anyone know if vodafone will get their grubby mitts on it and b**tardise the software? Why must they do this? Don’t they think SE know what they’re doing?

Posted: 2005-10-18 00:08:16
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batesie Posts: > 500

just get an unbranded one
Posted: 2005-10-18 00:11:23
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REO Posts: > 500

No 850 band

I'll stick to my wonderful S710. It's an awesome phone.
Posted: 2005-10-18 01:08:26
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Rookwise Posts: > 500

certainly looks like a rite sweet phone. my upgrade is due in december. think i may go for one of them.
Posted: 2005-10-18 02:04:37
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*Jojo* Posts: > 500

On 2005-10-18 02:04:37, Rookwise wrote:
certainly looks like a rite sweet phone. my upgrade is due in december. think i may go for one of them.

@staz - Looks like you've already owned most of the recent fone releases mate You manage to own 'duplicates' too
Posted: 2005-10-18 02:46:18
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Davo_169 Posts: > 500

this is one sweet peice of exited about the macromedia flash lite...i can watch funny stuff in my phone finally!!!!
definately my next telephone
Posted: 2005-10-18 10:04:20
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XoXo Posts: 94

w900 is excelent phone almost perfect upgrade to my s700... unfortunatelly it's keypad looks cheap.. design is worse than s700 IMHO.
Posted: 2005-10-18 10:12:47
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bbaev Posts: 198

Doesn't look cheap to me...
Where in Bulgaria are you from, pal?

Edit: I'm stupid, I know... didn't notice you're from Sofia It's a pleasure to see a Bulgarian around here

[ This Message was edited by: bbaev on 2005-10-18 09:24 ]
Posted: 2005-10-18 10:22:40
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vanquish Posts: > 500

i told you all it wud be the W900!

not W850!

Posted: 2005-10-18 10:24:01
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