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> N343i Pictorial (i-mode phone)
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Here ya'll go ma bebehs
Posted: 2005-10-23 01:16:04
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the only reason you would buy it is for i-mail. cause imode itself works on every phone.
some say they've cracked the imail code so that it works on normal phones like W800i and P910i.
Posted: 2005-10-23 01:17:40
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if this is true can you provide me with more details on this?
The reason this phone was bought was not for imode (which is nice since it's free til december) but because of it's design, it's very appealing for it's price.
Posted: 2005-10-23 01:24:37
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well here in belgium Imode has been availeble for a while.
we have 3 providers
base has imode: it costs 7euro for unlimited data.
compaired to the other 2 providers30euro for 10MB on GPRS
but Imode isn't really hot here. why? crappy phones. but when know the right settings to let any GPRS phone work on imode, meaning you can surf on web (wap, xhtml, html, chtml and others) with any phone you want. (although the operator denies its possible.
the thing we don't have with unofficial imode phones is imail (or email).
but some have borken the code, but they don't want to shair it with us (the people who have work for the operator).
so we still need to find out how.
no you've bought that phone for its design. well you are intittled to do that. this means you are a person who only uses his phone to call and send messages. cause if you would want a more advanced phone you would buy an SE, and because of the many features that work you would learn to love SE's designs.
Posted: 2005-10-23 01:45:28
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dude do you know me?
I'm an SE fanatic, i've been selling and buying SE phones on the forums for ages.
I didn't say I bought it though, I think you guessed that.
Personally, I would buy this phone because i do like the design since it's similar to a nano.
The features such as a 64k screen and vga camera are not exactly the best you can get but for it's price it's not bad.
Imode in the uk has just recently become available and is only available through O2.
Go to their website to see the phones they've releaed. One phone reminds me of a model i used to have in Japan.
If what you are saying is true, then that would mean that iMode is nothing more than glorified wap...
I'm the type of person that wants alot of features but end up using none.
"this means you are a person who only uses his phone to call and send messages."
I'm the type of person who switches his phone every month ;P.
I'm with three at the moment for minutes and I'm limited to 3g phones which is a shame (until I get the w900 and p990

) but this 343 is a great phone for it's price, design and for those who just want something to text and phone as you said.
(their menu is VERY SLOW btw, actually it's not slow it's animation is slow with it's fading)
Oxygen Inc|
Oxygen Mobile [PSP Jap 1.5, PSP games, DS games
[ This Message was edited by: amnesia on 2005-10-23 00:56 ]
Posted: 2005-10-23 01:52:45
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its a nec. the only thing good nec ever did is SMS
i don't think there is much chance of a big hit in the uk with imode.
limited phones and actually the same as vodafone live but without those crappy menu's and logo's all over the place.
i go to many forums see alot of people advising SE phones. thats nice of you, but i haven't really noticed you arround yet, try harder
Posted: 2005-10-23 01:57:34
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are you serious man? Woah, i've got more than a couple of reviews on here. I've sold and bought tons on the market, I run Fluid Mobile (in announcments there is a topic), I'm in Free zone, p910, I designed OSX.SE for the P900 which was the first complete tracker skin and so on..
But what do you mean NEC's are good for messages?
I haven't tried the 343's system yet but my other NEC (i forget their codes, the small one thats a flip and 3g) SERIOUSLY lags when you use any sort of punctuation.
Posted: 2005-10-23 02:01:32
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i haven't been reading much on esato. easto takes care of its self.
nec invented SMS. thats something they should be proud of. nothing more.
Posted: 2005-10-23 02:07:45
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dude whats up?
I dont understand your post?
I didn't know they invented SMS, but even if they did the phone that I've had the 'displeasure' of using sucked.
And you'd get 5 seconds wait whenever you used any sort of punctuation.
i didn't understand the 'esato takes care of itself' comment though or where you were going with that.
Posted: 2005-10-23 02:13:24
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you say you are active alot here making some nice things.
i previusly posted that i haven't seen you arround much.
i don't spend that much time here on esato reading everything. why not? cause esato is an SE forum the people who come here know that SE makes the best phones.
on other forums there alot of anti SE people that can't see the basic facts.
inventing something isn't the same as being able to use it like it should.
nec phones are indeed slow, but that depends from person to person. some people don't mind, others go crazy
Posted: 2005-10-23 02:16:16
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