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davej67 Posts: 13


I've just upgraded my phone to a K750i and my car kit to HCB-700. According to SE these are compatible.

I used to have a T630 and HCB-30 and was impressed by both. I've never had any problems.

Now (with my K750i and HCB-700), I'm having real problems maintaining a constant BT connection. It can last anywhere between 10 secs and a number of minutes, but ultimately it gets lost.

I also noticed that I had some initial problems maintaining a BT connection between my K750i and HCB-30 whilst I was waiting for the HCB-700 to arrive. But this seemed to correct itself after a number of days.

My 750i FW revision is R1N035, and my HCB-700 is versioned at R1A.

Also, I've noticed that when I use voice dialling, with my T630/HCB-30, the voice confirmation played back is loud, but with my K750i, it is quiet - to the point that you can hardly hear it. I tried my T630 with the new HCB-700 and this is ok- just as with the HCB-30. Suggests that the problem lies with the K750.

Has anyone else had the same problems? I've noticed that there seems to be lots of problems with the K750 and BT, but there are people that seem to have got the K750 and HCB-700 to work ok.


Dave J
Posted: 2005-11-04 21:16:52
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davidb67 Posts: 41

i have K750 & HCB 700 - just upgraded the car kit from HCB-300.

You're right, mostly issue lies with the K750 - b/t still problematic.
I am on f/w R1L on the phone, and it will hold the b/t connection with the kit nearly all of the time no probelm, but voice-dial is very flaky - the carkit seems to "time-out" before the phone is ready to accept the voice tag. it HAS worked (voice name dial) occasionally for me though. I have to say, I'm WELL IMPRESSED with the digit dialling, bl00dy spot-on!!
No such probs with the carkit with my other phones - T630 which I have as my work phone and hop between the two with the kit, and my "gathering dust" phones - K700,T610, & T68m.
Posted: 2005-11-04 23:02:14
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davej67 Posts: 13

Hi dave,

That's interesting.

I'm on the R1N035 f/w on the 750, whereas you are on R1L...

The voice dialling is fine with my 750 phone, whereas the BT connection is not being maintained (when idle) - it even disconnects before the screen saver kicks in (5 secs) after ending a call.

Have you not upgraded your f/w for any particular reason?

Have you also noticed that the voice confirmation played back during voice (name) dialling is quiet? This is a problem with my 750 on the HCB-30 and HCB-700. Whereas my T630 is load on both car kits.


Dave J
Posted: 2005-11-05 13:36:39
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davidb67 Posts: 41


I haven't yet upgraded my f/w as to be honest, been reading that the bluetooth issues were still not resolved, and since this f/w was newer than previous 8 week-old handset (replaced due to b/t fault - not holding connection!), and seems to have no trouble staying connected by b/t, thought i'd hang fire.
That said, name dialling isn't anywhere near as solid as T630 & T610.
don't suppose it's worth you "downgrading" your f/w version is it?

Yes, the voicetag play-back is MUCH quiter than previous (T630, T610 or HCB-300), it's not just your phone or carkit.

one "feature" of this new kit (which i'm really impressed with), is that I have the controller mounted near my gearstick and handbrake - i find myself trying to change CD-tracks or adjust the volume with it, like Audi's MMI system on new A6 & A8's - mine's a humble A3!!
Posted: 2005-11-07 18:26:12
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davej67 Posts: 13


Interesting to hear that you have had your handsets replaced due to the same BT connection problem.

I've finished up contacting O2 (my provider) and they have suggested contacting SE. They say that if that is not successful, then they'll have to replace the handset. I actually have 2 handsets (one for my wife) and they both suffer the same problem. I suspect that it's just a f/w issue since they have the same version, and not a specific handset issue.

Let's see what happens.

Looks like you can either run on R1L (BT connection ok but problems with voice dialling) or R1N035 (BT connection crap but voice dialling fine). Unfortunately I use voice dialling all of the time, so I need both sorted

I've found that on the HCB-30 kit, if the BT connection fails, then I can only get it re-established if I switch the ignition off and on again. But with the HCB-700, you can just move the controller joystick to 'dial'/'off hook'.

What exact version of the HCB-700 do you have? mine states R1A on the box. I guess that this is the initial version and since I've just bought it and the manual is stamped 2005 that it is the latest. Just trying to rule out the possibility that I have been sold an early version.

Dave J
Posted: 2005-11-07 20:30:55
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davej67 Posts: 13

I've now contacted SE and told them of the problem.

They confirmed that I had the latest f/w (R1N035), and told me that they were unaware of any problems with the 750i and HCB-700 working together - hmmm not what's reported in this forum.

They then suggested that it could be a fault on the handsets (what's the chance of that I wonder?)

Anyway, I've contacted O2 and arranged for them to be replaced.

Wait and see....


Dave J
Posted: 2005-11-09 14:29:19
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ventus Posts: 1


I have the same problem whit my SE k750i and HCB-700. A friend of mine is working at SE and told me that this is a known problem. The problem lies in the Philips Chipset. This chipset has a bug in it and can't be fixed just by a software update. This is a real hardware problem. Not al the K750i have this problem depending on the other used hardware. So it can be that another k750i will work right or whith less problems.

They expect new chipsets in february 2006 for al SE telephones. It is also possible that the bad chipset is in other SE telephones like the 700, 750 and 800 series as phones from other brands

Posted: 2005-11-28 21:43:21
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volvoman Posts: > 500

That is very interesting, as I am having issues with my W800 and W550, yet my mate who got his w550 on the same day in the same shop at the same time, is not having any issues with his. I have tried three different headsets with my w550 and as yet have to find one that stays connected for more than a couple of minuites, and the worst of all is the HBH-300, which causes the w550 to have real problems in that it needs to have the battery removed to reset it to work again. Never had any such issue with my K750's of which I have two, and both work fine with all my headsets. I have had the best success with the Jabra BT250v on my W800, and as yet have not tried it with my W550, and have just bought a Jabra BT250 to try with it. The HBH-300 will not work with either, as will the Moto HS810 HS820 or the Nokia HS-11w. All three disconnect after between 30 secs and a couple of minuites.
Posted: 2005-11-28 22:53:25
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davej67 Posts: 13

Just an update.

I received my replacement handsets from O2, but they suffered from the exact same problems.

I then sent one of the phones to SE for them to investigate and fix.

The phone has arrived back today - and guess what is still the same!!! They obviously haven't tested it against a HCB-30/700. Hayem.

Will just have to call them and give them hell...


Dave J
Posted: 2005-11-30 14:58:43
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davej67 Posts: 13

The saga continues...

Since the last service center proved useless (ACR Logistics), I was relucant to deal with them again. Fortunately SE suggested that I send my handset and carkit to another service center that SE use to repair carkits Fleet Comunications). It seemed a good choice - even better I was able to phone them and speak to the actual engineer that would work on the repair.

I sent my handset and carkit to them the next day with full details of the problem.

After a week, I phoned them and spoke to the engineer to see if he had re-produced the problem. He said that he not attempted to re-produce the problem (hmmm), but had instead flashed the handset and carkit with the latest firmware and left them connected all day. At the end of the day all seemed ok, so he was happy the problem was now resolved.

A couple of days later, the handset and carkit arrived back and I was looking forward to finally installing the carkit in the car happy all was ok.

I first checked the handset to see the firmware revision - it was the same a before R1N035!, the handset had not even been reset - I started to wonder if they had actually done anything at all.

Anyway, I connected them together and left them for 1/2 hour. Guess what - bluetooth connection had failed again. The problem was still there.

So basically, after having had my handsets replaced by O2, sent my handset to SE the first time, sent my handset and carkit to SE the second time, being £10 out of pocket having paid for postal insurance when sending my kit to SE, nearly 2 months of not being able to use my new handsets with my carkits - I'm no better off!!!

Now that this whole thing has dragged on for well over 1 month, I can't return my handsets to O2 for a refund because I'm outside of the 28 day limit, I can't return my carkit for a refund, again, because I'm outside of their 30 day limit.

I'm stuck with 2 K750i phones that simply don't work with my SE carkits and since I use my carkits a lot - I simply can't use the phones.

I have sent SE a letter complaining about the fact that even though SE provide a freepost address for returning equipment for repair, I really need to have postal insurance in place (Postoffice charged me £4.20 each time). This I think they should re-imburse me especially if they don't actually fix the problem (they say they will charge anyone £10 if no problem is found - what about if they don't fix the problem!)

I am now a loss as to what to do next - I have asked SE to let me know what I should do.

A disgruntled SE customer,

Dave J

[ This Message was edited by: davej67 on 2005-12-19 20:26 ]
Posted: 2005-12-19 21:25:27
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