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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : "Elegant/Premium" 3G Phone?
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CybaCowboy Posts: 314

Has anyone or is anyone planning to release an "elegant/premium" 3G/UMTS phone, along the lines of the Vertu & others anytime soon?
Posted: 2005-11-28 09:42:27
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deluded Posts: > 500

Check out The motorola v3x i think. Well, it only looks premium, i don't think it'll be as expensive as the vertu of course. Any other suggestions? This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2005-11-28 11:05:49
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CybaCowboy Posts: 314

On 2005-11-28 11:05:49, deluded wrote:
The motorola v3x i think. Well, it only looks premium, i don't think it'll be as expensive as the vertu of course.

This message was posted from a Nokia

I wouldn't class Motorola's "V" as anything special- I don't know about overseas, but here in Australia, EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) has a V3!

Backspace, backspace- A 3G "V" SERIES PHONE?

*Runs off to GSM Arena*

Wow! That's gonna set the (3G) benchmark for everyone else (and here was me thinking the Samsung Z500 was impressive!)...

[ This Message was edited by: CybaCowboy on 2005-11-29 02:51 ]
Posted: 2005-11-29 03:47:13
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kingmobilephone Posts: 86

if u ask me to choose...I will still go for samsung Z500 rather than V3x..

but I found there are strange problem on Z500 I got, they are all have difficult to detect other phone via Bluetooth while the other phone like SE or Nokia can detect the samsung Z500! ??
Posted: 2005-11-30 02:48:20
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CybaCowboy Posts: 314

On 2005-11-30 02:48:20, kingmobilephone wrote:
if u ask me to choose...I will still go for samsung Z500 rather than V3x..

but I found there are strange problem on Z500 I got, they are all have difficult to detect other phone via Bluetooth while the other phone like SE or Nokia can detect the samsung Z500! ??

I ABSOLUTELY adore the Samsung Z500, but there are two things stopping me from buying it- the usage times and the screen size.

I am a VERY heavy user of my 3G phone, so I need a long battery life; I am LG phones are the best, closely followed by Sony Ericsson phones.. Everyone suggests to stick with Sony Ericsson though, because there is little difference in the usage times between a Sony Ericsson Z800i and an LG U8380, with Sony Ericsson also being a "better quality" handset.

Then there's the screen size- I don't watch "traditional" TV, but I watch a LOT of news, trailers and sports on my 3G phone; my Z1010 (Z800i in a week) has a small screen, but it's "acceptable". The screen on the Z500 however, is T-I-N-Y!

I have been told by a LOT of people that the battery on the Z500 is pathetic, and the (Samsung) brochure confirms this; if the usage times were better, I'd still buy it, despite the small screen...

Maybe the "Z530" (or whatever they call it) will address these issues, and pull me away from my beloved Sony Ericsson...
Posted: 2005-12-01 05:01:48
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