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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Software, Firmware and Drivers : T68 Software
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barrypanju Posts: 18

Does any body know where i can get the latest t68 software from and how to download it to the phone

Posted: 2002-01-28 15:23:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

You CANNOT do this.

You have to visit an Ericsson service point, they will get you the newest software.
And its free og charge

Posted: 2002-01-28 16:14:00
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barrypanju Posts: 18

where are the service points

Posted: 2002-01-28 16:32:00
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solem Posts: 74

As mentioned earlier in this forum, you will find your service point at
Posted: 2002-01-28 21:10:00
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Kungen Posts: 72

You don't have to go to an service point...just go to the place you bought it and they will send it away for of charge...
Posted: 2002-01-28 22:56:00
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rayorch Posts: 5

For all people that have had bad service from CELESTICA in Southampton! I found that Cellular Services in Brighton will upgrade your T68 to the latest software they have either by taking it in (takes 20 mins.) or sending it to them, They charge �5 to send it back.The address is 98-100 rygate Rd, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 5AG. Hope this helps.....
Posted: 2002-01-29 11:51:00
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