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CybaCowboy Posts: 314

Who is on vodafone live! with 3G (Australia)?

I recently made the switch from 3 (Australia) and WOW- what a difference!

Aside from all the usual stuff that you expect from vodafone (such as customer service you actually want to use), their 3G network has seamless soft handovers (including GPRS/UMTS data soft handovers), excellent coverage and downloads at lightning speed!

vodafone has always been a great network, but now they are a near-perfect network!

3 better look out- if too many people find out how much better vodafone live! with 3G is, they're gonna lose a LOT of money...
Posted: 2006-01-13 03:58:24
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uhzid Posts: 5

Yea i'm with vodafone 3G, been with vodafone for awhile, loved their product, however their customer service is shocking, not a single time was my call answered in a timely manner. other than that its great, even tho i'm on 3G but didn't have the chance to try it out because no one that i know is using 3G headset on vodafone. But i'm sure as time goes by and vodafone expend its 3G coverage more people will be using it, it will kick 3's ass.
Posted: 2006-01-13 23:24:48
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masseur Posts: > 500

when vodafone first started in Australia I used to think they were the used car salesman type and stayed well clear. I did go with Optus when they started and stuck with them for many years before reverting back to Telstra

In UK I use vodafone and cannot fault the service so may consider vodafone when I'm permanantly back in Oz

just wondering what vodafones country/rural 3G service is like, if any? is it still metro areas only?
Posted: 2006-01-13 23:28:25
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CybaCowboy Posts: 314

On 2006-01-13 23:24:48, uhzid wrote:
however their customer service is shocking, not a single time was my call answered in a timely manner.

Yeah, their customer service used to be really good, but has gone downhill in recent times...

Still, I haven't spoken to a single Indian yet!

On 2006-01-13 23:24:48, uhzid wrote:
even tho i'm on 3G but didn't have the chance to try it out because no one that i know is using 3G headset on vodafone. But i'm sure as time goes by and vodafone expend its 3G coverage more people will be using it, it will kick 3's ass.

Although you can buy vodafone live! with 3G products and services, it's still technically in pre-release (I personally believe they're doing this as a final bug-test, to rid the garden of the last few weeds)...

I expect that when it is officially released in two months, vodafone will be advertising it significantly more.

You do realise that vodafone customers can video-call 3 customers for the same video-call rate they pay to vodafone live! with 3G customers, don't you?

On 2006-01-13 23:24:48, uhzid wrote:
But i'm sure as time goes by and vodafone expend its 3G coverage more people will be using it, it will kick 3's ass.

I expect vodafone's customer base to grow significantly once they start pushing vodafone live! with 3G, and it wouldn't surprise me if 3 lose at least half their customer base!

On 2006-01-13 23:28:25, masseur wrote:
just wondering what vodafones country/rural 3G service is like, if any? is it still metro areas only?

On major roads and highways, vodafone still have the best coverage by far (it's so good in some areas that Telstra customers even roam onto the network!), but beyond that your only real options are Globalstar, Optus CDMA, Optus satellite phones, Telstra CDMA and Telstra satellite phones...

Like many people I wouldn't bother with Telstra- not only do they use the infamous Indian call centers (who else do we know that does this?), but they are by far the most expensive in the country (especially when it comes to their satellite phones)!

Optus CDMA is your best bet (if you need a satellite phone, check out Globalstar below...), unless your spending significant amounts of time in the Outback or going to some particularly remote places, in which case Globalstar is by far your best bet...

Proud owner of a Samsung Z500V, happily connected to vodafone live! with 3G!

[ This Message was edited by: CybaCowboy on 2006-01-15 05:32 ]
Posted: 2006-01-15 06:28:53
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