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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : REALLY bad reception on v600i on Cingular network
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mag922 Posts: 4

I purchased this v600i vodafone phone in New Zealand as my T616 got really poor reception there. My SIM card and my global romaing acct from Cingular Wireless (USA) worked just fine, and I received excellent signal strength throughout NZ. Upon my return to the US however, I have next to no signal. When I do receive signal all functions work perfectly, but I can have a No Network display and the guy next to me, on the same network, has 4 bars of strength. Any suggestions?
Posted: 2006-01-14 01:54:04
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MrZippy Posts: 151

The K600/K608/V600 are noted as having a weaker reception.

Find the same here on UMTS, friends Nokia always has a better signal.
Posted: 2006-01-14 12:24:05
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mag922 Posts: 4

Would getting the thing debranded help, do you think?
Posted: 2006-01-14 14:11:57
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

I have an unlocked V800 with similar problems here in the UK. I'm practically sitting on top of an Orange UK mast, and still only get 2-3 signal bars!

I wonder if getting the phone unlocked somehow affects the signal, or it is only locking onto the 3G signal and ignoring the 2G signal (despite it being a 2G sim card in the phone?)

I hope I'm not being patronising here, but has the US got 3G services now?
Posted: 2006-01-14 14:32:16
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mag922 Posts: 4

It's coming, it's coming! Don't rush us!
Posted: 2006-01-14 15:07:24
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

Sorry, the reason for asking is I was wondering if you were picking up a 3G signal instead of a 2G one with your V600, but evidently not!

Posted: 2006-01-14 15:17:59
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mag922 Posts: 4

I am running the option of GPRS/3G connectivity. I get the 3G icon ok, but you know America: We think we're up with it, but really....... 'nuff said *sigh* I know we have MobiTV now (on selected models). But back to my issue: Would debranding help, do you think? When I visited NZ my T616 sucked for reception, but now I've ressurected it here, it has great reception. The reason I got the v600i was because of that poor recpetion in NZ and Cingular had told me my phone was just basically dying when they couldn't fix my lack of MMS/WAP service, so I just figured it was time to upgrade. However, back at home here, I went to Sony Ericsson's site and downloaded the MMS/WAP settings again, and guess what??? The Cingluar Techs got it wrong! They had told me (after about an hour on the help line) that my settings were all right and my phone was just slowly clapping out. However, a short visit to Sony Ericsson's site showed them to be wrong! The good ol's T616 works just fine. As does the v600i replacement, if I can just get some signal!!! Anyway, I was wondering, since I have the same issue, but reversed re: reception, would it be a branding problem?
Posted: 2006-01-14 15:31:10
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Residentevil Posts: > 500

The T61X phones are rock solid. First off Cingular has only very limited 3G service available and they overlay the 850 with the 1900 band, but either or might not be available in some areas.
Posted: 2006-01-14 17:46:18
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mikeb Posts: 98


sorry, but with the V600i you are bound to get bad reception in the US .

V600i = UMTS (2.1 GHz), 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz.

Cingular are running UMTS, but honestly so far the coverage is not great. Also running at 2.1GHz is really not great for indoor coverage (and the US is famous for its cellular networks not being great for indoor coverage to start with).

900 and 1800MHz are not available to Cingular in the US.

This only leaves you the 1900MHz band, which Cingular has OK coverage with, but not great.

Your best bet is to go into the menu (main icons), select Settings->Connecitvy->Mobile Networks->GSM/3G networks and select the option GMS only.

This will turn off the 3G features of the phone, but at least the Cingular 1900MHz GSM network has decent coverage and signal strength.

To be honest, in the US you are better off with a phone that supports the GSM 850Mhz band (e.g. the quad band W810i or W600i or a tri-band hpone for the US like the Z520a or J230a).

/Mike B.
Posted: 2006-01-14 18:11:02
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mjp Posts: 1

I just bought an unlocked v600i sedcond hand, which I'm using on Cingular in Washington, DC. So far I've had really good reception (it is showing the 3G icon from Cingular). However I haven't been able to access Cingular's MEdiaNet (wireless internet) as the phone is still configured with the original Vodaphone settings. Has anyone been successful at configuring the v600i to get online with Cingular (WAP@CINGULAR.COM)...or does anyone have any advice for clearing the Vodaphone settings? Thanks!

I just went to the sony website...after selecting my region and wireless provider, they sent me a text message with the configuration (which installed automatically!)

[ This Message was edited by: mjp on 2007-01-24 16:39 ]
Posted: 2007-01-24 17:22:11
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