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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : SEUS de-updated my new v800? or tried to??
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Burtle Posts: 18

Yes i know another post regarding SEUS...

Ok I have just obtained a new v800 off ebay in sydney australia, some kind person suggested i should update the phone via SEUS and a DSS-25, now before I used the service it had....


(I'll bypass putting in the LCD and Camera Versions)

ITP SW version
CXC 125834 R1H

CDA 102295/29 R42A
cxc 125840 R1AF005

Content version

Ok, after the SEUS stated the V800 had an update available, i went ahead, after it finished it come up with this....


(I'll bypass putting in the LCD and Camera Versions)

ITP SW version
CXC 125834 R1H

CDA 102295/29 R42A
cxc 125840 R1S025

Content version

OK, notice in the Customization, it changed from cxc 125840 R1AF005 back to the old cxc 125840 R1S025......

Anybody got any ideas on why it did that.....????

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[ This Message was edited by: Burtle on 2006-01-19 14:58 ]
Posted: 2006-01-19 15:54:39
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