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General discussions : Rumours : 4GB internal memory?
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nox Posts: 14

are rhere any SE with such a large memory?i know that the N91 from nokia has a 4GB hard disk but i've someone saying the same about a SE...could it be true?
Posted: 2006-02-05 09:56:48
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frank2345babies Posts: 303

Not internal but sony r launching 4gb ms duo in the nxt month or 2 This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2006-02-05 14:27:26
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nox Posts: 14 sounds even better..i wonder...could i get one for a k750i?
Posted: 2006-02-07 09:35:16
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dgilmartin Posts: > 500

On 2006-02-07 09:35:16, nox wrote: sounds even better..i wonder...could i get one for a k750i?

It should work perfectly
Posted: 2006-02-07 09:53:28
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jafggl Posts: 59

But the k750 severely hangs with 1gb card,how'll it tackle the 4gb? I think its better to use 4 512mb cards instead This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2006-02-07 13:09:01
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Xajel Posts: > 500

well, walkman and hdd doesnt work well... hdd has movable and sensentive parts and this will make your heart fall if the phone fall...

even if thoses mini hdd designed to be more secure and shockproof than normal 3.5 hdd wich used in desktop but still they have movable parts...
Posted: 2006-02-13 09:12:44
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

The W950 is being reported as having 4 Gb of internal memory. Read about it here and here.

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2006-02-13 13:56 ]
Posted: 2006-02-13 14:56:12
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