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> MMC-60 Review
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I was pleasantly surprised when I purchased my mmc-60. The audio is beter quality through this little cable than the alternatives. While doing a back to back comparison with my HPM-70, this is what I found:
The audio through the mmc-60 seems to have a deeper frequency response, and is clearer with less noise. The difference is noticeable even on tracks encoded at low bitrates, let alone 192Kbps tracks, which sound supurb with the mmc-60.
If I had to put a rough figure on it, I'd say the audio quality of the mmc-60 is a 30-40% improvement on the HPM-70 and adapter combo, all other factors being equal. With gold plated rca connections on the mmc-60, and the fact it is a straight through lead with no breaks, it's probably not surprising.
Still, all said and done, the quality if the hpm-70 is still good enough to make it worthwhile considering having 192Kbps music on the phone, space permitting. But while the HPM-70 is no slouch, the the mmc-60 is substantially better.
The MMC-60 is designed so that it doesn't prompt a profile change when attached to the phone. This is so you can answer calls while connected without the phone's onboard mike being disabled (as it is with the mike equiped HPM-70).
The cable is about 1.2 metres long, with a durable figure 8 sheathing to protect the cable and keep the left and right audio signals separate.
I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to listen to their K750 through a half decent (to excellent) audio system.
Posted: 2006-02-23 05:36:30
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sounds nice.. i have ordered one and will try to install it in my car...
Posted: 2006-02-23 09:52:26
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if you have rca inputs on your car stereo then the mmc-60 will be ideal.
Posted: 2006-02-23 09:56:56
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I get my car back to today, so I'm going to test the mmc-60 on the rca inputs of my fm transmitter compared to using the hpm-70 and a 3.5mm to rca adapter.
Posted: 2006-02-24 02:34:06
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Did a quick test with the mmc-60 in the car using my built in fm transmitter. The sound seems better, but I haven't done any direct comparisons yet.
I hope to do some direct comparisons of 192Kbps audio tracks on both the mmc-60 and the hpm-70.
Posted: 2006-02-28 14:16:02
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I have RCA plugs on the car stereo but they are on the backside.. so the trick will be to get the cable back there...
Posted: 2006-02-28 19:59:48
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The mmc-60 may be too short, you could use a gold plated rca male to femal extension.
Posted: 2006-03-01 01:14:18
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So, we have 3 options for connecting the k750/w800 to an external stereo:
HPM-70 thru 3.5mm-to-RCA adaptor
RF transmitter
Does signal quality follow that same order? I would assume so, especially after reading your reply to my other post and this thread.
Thanks again,
Posted: 2006-03-01 18:50:32
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Yes quality follows that order
Posted: 2006-03-01 23:15:15
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