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General discussions : Rumours : No K7910i in UK?
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fatreg Posts: > 500

Have i been informed correctly?

I've been told the UK isnt going to get the K790i and i can only get the K800i?

boohoo, i dont need another 3g phone!

Posted: 2006-03-30 23:24:37
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upper Posts: > 500

Trust me you will like the fast download speeds espeacially video streaming.

[ This Message was edited by: upper on 2006-03-30 22:59 ]
Posted: 2006-03-30 23:58:59
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fatreg Posts: > 500

I've got a N70/W900i/M5000/ thats all the 3gness i need atm until nokia bring out a reasonable size 3g handset

Posted: 2006-03-31 22:42:04
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darrengf Posts: > 500

There is not really any call for the K790 phone,
I know Orange offer Edge but im not sure on the other networks.

All European and most of the world has 3g and not edge,
Edge is more for the USA market until they get the 3 g network, which currenlty is starting to happen
Posted: 2006-04-01 00:12:24
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