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jperthllave Posts: 52

QUESTION 2: What really drives you to buy a new mobile phone?

Is it:
A. Old one broke down
B. Old one got stolen
C. Old one is already.. Ewww. Unfashionable. I need to be in.
D. Old one doesn't/no longer meets my needs (e.g. poor battery life, change of occupation/societal status)

I'm deciding on whether to buy a new phone or not. I'm currently using a T39m.
Posted: 2002-10-09 07:06:00
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Silex Posts: 61

C & D. and if I find I new matching phone then I don't hesitate. It seems that no one is capable to replace my t68mi at the moment
Posted: 2002-10-09 08:16:00
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Jison Posts: 356

Closest is C. I get tired of my phone after a year. But the T68 might very well last longer.
Posted: 2002-10-09 08:24:00
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deliciosomarron Posts: 123

For me it's usually the end of my contract (1 year contracts only). For each contractperiod another phone is my motto. But I have to say I'm sort of a sceptic when choosing a new phone. I need to feel that I'm trading up and not down, so I compare the features of the new phone to my interests at that time and then decide which ever phone it should be. I never follow trends and always end up with a phone that differs from the masses (if that's even possible with an eye on commercialism). Also a thing to consider is delaying the purchase of a relatively new phone a couple of months to see what kind of stability it has (soft- / hardware wise), learning the hard way about certain bugs is not pleasant (keep your former phone in reach at all times in case the new one lets you down for some reason). But just to put it plain and simple, it's really up to you when and why you buy a new phone.
Posted: 2002-10-09 08:30:00
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tranquil Posts: > 500

I get a new phone when a new phone, better than the one I have, hits the market. Now I have had the T68i for what seems forever. P800 please come to me, soooooon!

Posted: 2002-10-09 10:45:00
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wiltonson Posts: 52

i believed majority of ppl in the world will say a new nokia phone drives them to buy new phone.
Posted: 2002-10-09 11:36:00
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Fingers Posts: 468

Sorry none of the above, I always buy a new phone purely on it's features, like the T68, it's got so much going for it and when it came out nothing out could touch it for new technology, I'll hang on to it until the next big thing, probably whatever's after the P800, but it won't necesarily be a phone, I've heard good things about the next Siemens, the SL55, maybe the S55, depends on size and shape too. But new technology is what does it for me, the more the better.
Posted: 2002-10-09 11:46:00
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Henkan Posts: 120

I must say its both C & D...
Posted: 2002-10-13 18:08:00
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bart Posts: > 500

c en d for me 2.
but i think some one needs to be the carrying market of new mobile phones.
Posted: 2002-10-13 18:24:00
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talbius Posts: 141

if i get bored with it, i couldnt wait to get the samsung a300 once, but i got bored really fast with it, now the t68 will keep me occupied for a while
Posted: 2002-10-13 20:07:00
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