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> My DS Lite (white)
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Many people like myself appreciate many pictures, so I tried to take as many as possible.
My hand isn't very stable so if the pictures are a bit blurry, I apologize for that.
When getting the DS Lite I realized that the box was 'nano-size' and had a smooth matt texture (as opposed to the DS's glossy texture).
Opening it up showed me that I now had to be just as carefull with my DS as I was with my PSP.
Unusually, it didn't attact fingerprints as easily as the PSP. Perhaps it was because my fingers weren't that oily or I hadn't touched it for so long.
The buttons felt rubbery, although they were solid, it was indeed a marvelous site.
Switching it on showed me that the screen was indeed bright. It made me worry about battery life, but we'll see about that after I get to play with it a bit more.
I placed the screen protectors on and bought a leather case with it, which i think looks great.
The sound quality sounds more crisp and clearer. The 'tick tock' of the clock was very clear.
As I moved to the volume slider, I noticed it was too loose. I'm unsure if it's just mine, but it seemed to rattle slightly, which disappointed me a bit.
The LED indicators are a lovely and even hugh.
It is indeed a great peice of work and I'm sure I'll be enjoying it alot.
That was basically my small summary.
Below you will find pictures, and a few size comparison pics.
Enjoy! ^_^
Posted: 2006-04-13 15:53:24
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Very nice

I thought I spent a lot of money on gadgets! How much smaller is the lite compared with the original DS?
Posted: 2006-04-13 15:57:10
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it's my curse.
And I'm broke now, so I either money has to come my way or I'll have to sell some stuff.
(not the psp or lite though

it's 33% smaller than the normal DS.
Posted: 2006-04-13 15:59:22
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Nice review and quality pics mate
Posted: 2006-04-13 16:04:57
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ooo looks nice! Looks a bit plasticy but thats what i thought about the white psp aswell and when i saw it in real life it looked quality.
Posted: 2006-04-13 16:12:27
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you certainly like your gadgets to be white. nearly every thing you have is white
Posted: 2006-04-13 16:27:02
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yes I do like white gadgets,
I also like chrome but scratches show easily.
If things are white, scratches and fingerprints dont show.
Posted: 2006-04-13 17:17:12
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Nice review,. think i might sell my DS now and wait a bit for the lite to come out in the uk then get it
Posted: 2006-04-13 17:28:11
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londonlad123 Posts: > 500
Nice Pics!
Where'd you get it from and how much did you pay?
Posted: 2006-04-13 20:02:15
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Indeed a nice a set of pics...very impressive collection!
Posted: 2006-04-13 20:10:23
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