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Regional : Europe, Middle East and Africa : Hotmail via wap
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exrom Posts: 67

I have tried so long now but I cant fint any server whitch can suport me whith my hotmails? Is it so hard for the oprators or for some other to make this good thing???
I cant see any reason to don't have it on wap but maby it cost to much for them, but hotmail is for free??

I don't know so I wonder if someone else do it??
Posted: 2002-10-09 16:37:00
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bjarne1 Posts: 117

web mail and pop as well. Works great from our phone

Posted: 2002-10-11 00:18:00
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brojd Posts: 23

There are many others that do this, take or .com for example.

But give the email client in your phone a chance, works great for me.
Posted: 2002-10-29 17:31:00
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