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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : k608i debranding & bluetooth problems
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koldun Posts: 16

hello! I have a k608i and i don't know why when i try to send anything by BT, when reach about half of the sending process is stopping telling me no device is conected!!! Im near to my laptop and i do the same thing w/ a Samsung D500 but SE is kind a stubborn! I can't connect to internet either in the same way i do w/ the Samsung! All the settings are definettly corect but after few seconds from the beginning of the connection procces the icon in the BT window is showing "no connection"!!! So,why is starting but suddenly stopping after,let's say, 5-6 sec? BTW, im dont know anything about all this stuff: CID or firmware! I dont even know where i supposed to look for them!! But i definetly want to get rid of the "3" logo and all that crap I dont need! All I can say is that the phone is deblocked from the "3" Italy and i want to use it for internet connection via UMTS (GPRS sucks)!
Well, for all my problems, is anyone there who can halp me?
thanks for any opinion!
Posted: 2006-04-29 03:03:30
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619 Posts: > 500

re the 3, you can try but i havent encountered successful debranding of k608.. you can read further on esato too

re bt, hope its not hardware problem.
Posted: 2006-04-30 18:17:38
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