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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Tips and tricks : Yukon struggle
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Ally Posts: 119

I don't know whether it is just my phone but when you play Yukon Struggle and when one of the slots on the bottom part is empty if you go to that slot and press # like you would to put the card on top of the aces the game goes to the menu and says "New Game", so the game you are playing is lost! Anyone noticed it, I have R2E006 version. Guys with R5C please report whether it is the same in yours, too!

Posted: 2002-10-11 12:27:00
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Ally Posts: 119

I know curiosity killed the cat, but doesn't anybody have the same problem???
Posted: 2002-10-11 14:06:00
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exrom Posts: 67

no i have not that problem!! focnforrs
Posted: 2002-10-11 14:10:00
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

mine does it - but I have R2D005 - just dont press # there
Posted: 2002-10-11 18:05:00
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Evilsummer Posts: 236

Mine does it too R2E
But it can hardly go for a important bug
Posted: 2002-10-11 18:39:00
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